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journals Index 'M' (60)

Explore journals > M

maJ. Multivariate Analysis
magsMultiagent and Grid Systems
makeMachine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
malaMarkup Languages
mamMicroprocessors and Microsystems
mansciManagement Science
mapleMaple Trans.
mathmMath. Morphol. Theory Appl.
mbecMed. Biol. Engineering and Computing
mcaICST Trans. Mobile Communications Applications
mcmMathematical and Computer Modelling
mcmaMonte Carlo Meth. and Appl.
mcsMathematics and Computers in Simulation
mdaT. Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals
memeticMemetic Computing
mfcMath. Found. Comput.
miaMedical Image Analysis
microIEEE Micro
micsMathematics in Computer Science
midmBMC Med. Inf. & Decision Making
mimaMinds and Machines
misMobile Information Systems
misqMIS Quarterly
misqeMIS Quarterly Executive
mjMicroelectronics Journal
mktsciMarketing Science
mlMachine Learning
mlcInt. J. Machine Learning & Cybernetics
mlcsMeth. of Logic in CS
mldmTrans. MLDM
mlqMath. Log. Q.
mlstMach. Learn. Sci. Technol.
mmaMath. Model. Anal.
mmasMultiscale Modeling & Simulation
mmiMMI Interaktiv
mmorMath. Meth. of OR
mmsMultimedia Syst.
mocMath. Comput.
morMath. Oper. Res.
mpMath. Program.
mpcMath. Program. Comput.
mrMicroelectronics Reliability
mscsMathematical Structures in Computer Science
msomManufacturing & Service Operations Management
mssMathematical Social Sciences
msspMultidim. Syst. Sign. Process.
mstTheory Comput. Syst.
mtMachine Translation
mtaMultimedia Tools Appl.
mtclMech. Translat. & Comp. Linguistics
mtiMultimodal Technol. Interact.
mvaMach. Vis. Appl.
mvlMultiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing