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journals Index 'N' (37)

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naNumerical Algorithms
narNucleic Acids Research
natmiNat. Mach. Intell.
NatureNewsNature News
ncNatural Computing
ncaNeural Computing and Applications
ncnNano Comm. Netw.
ncsNat. Comput. Sci.
nctNetw. and Communic. Technol.
ndjflNotre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
necoNeural Computation
neeivgvNeue Einsichten eines Informatikers von geringem Verstande
netsciNetwork Science
networkIEEE Network
neuromorphicNeuromorph. Comput. Eng.
nfdNachr. Dok.
ngcNew Generation Comput.
nisNetworking and Information Systems
njcNord. J. Comput.
nlaNumerical Lin. Alg. with Applic.
nleNatural Language Engineering
nmNumerische Mathematik
nmncNew Math. Nat. Comput.
nmsNew Media & Society
NNNeural Networks
npaNetwork Protocols & Algorithms
npjdmnpj Digit. Medicine
nplNeural Processing Letters
npscNeural Parallel & Scientific Comp.
nrhmThe New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
nsNetwork Security