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2nd Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, and Ecosystems 2018MoreVMs2018: Apr 9, 2018 - Apr 9, 2018 in Nice, FranceSubmissions: Jan 26, 2018Notification: Feb 23, 2018Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious Publications The MoreVMs'18 workshop aims to bring together industrial and academic programmers to discuss the design, implementation, and usage of modern languages and runtimes. This includes aspects such as reuse of language runtimes, modular implementation, language design and compilation strategies. The workshop aims to enable a diverse discuss ... Read More
ESSoS 2018ESSoS2018: Jun 26, 2018 - Jun 27, 2018 in Campus Paris-Saclay, FranceSubmissions: Mar 9, 2018Notification: Apr 27, 2018Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsSoftware-based systems permeate the very fabric of our society -- from enterprise IT systems and mobile devices to smart home and city environments. Consequently, computer security is becoming an increasingly inter-disciplinary subject requiring attention to the various aspects of securing our software-based infrastructure. One must pay ca ... Read More
Life with Wearables in Smart Rooms 2018LIFEWEAR2018: Apr 12, 2018 - Apr 12, 2018 in Dresden, GermanySubmissions: Jan 7, 2018Notification: Feb 12, 2018Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsWith the advent of standard sensor-actuator platforms for wearable devices, such smart watches (e.g., Apple Watch), smartglasses (e.g., Microsoft Hololens), smart clothing (e.g., data gloves), exoskeletons, and many more, people carry multiple devices simultaneously. This trend imposes completely new challenges to software engineers w.r.t. adap ... Read More
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security 2018CNS2018: May 30, 2018 - Jun 1, 2018 in Beijing, ChinaSubmissions: Dec 20, 2017Notification: Feb 27, 2018Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsIEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS) is a conference series in IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) core conference portfolio and the only ComSoc conference focusing solely on cybersecurity. IEEE CNS provides a premier forum for security researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and users to exchange ideas, techniq ... Read More
IEEE 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science 2018RCIS2018: May 29, 2018 - May 31, 2018 in Nantes, FranceSubmissions: Feb 2, 2018Notification: Mar 28, 2018Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsRCIS has become a recognized conference on research challenges in information science. The goal of RCIS is to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and practitioners from a wide range of information science fields and provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and dissemination. Organized for the 12th time in a row, RCIS 2018 will ... Read More
15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes 2018ManLang2018: Sep 10, 2018 - Sep 14, 2018 in Linz, AustriaSubmissions: May 4, 2018Notification: Jul 6, 2018Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsThe 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes (ManLang, formerly PPPJ) is a premier forum for presenting and discussing novel results in all aspects of managed programming languages and runtime systems, which serve as building blocks for some of the most important computing systems, which range from small-scale (embedded and ... Read More
Workshop on Meta-Programming Techniques and Reflection 2017Meta'172017: Oct 22, 2017 - Oct 22, 2017 in Vancouver, CanadaSubmissions: Aug 20, 2017Notification: Sep 6, 2017Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsThe heterogeneity of mobile computing, cloud applications, multicore architectures, and other systems leads to increasing complexity of software and requires new approaches to programming languages and software engineering tools. To manage the complexity, we require generic solutions that can be adapted to specific application domains or us ... Read More
9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering 2018ICPE2018: Apr 9, 2018 - Apr 13, 2018 in Berlin, GermanySubmissions: Oct 18, 2017Notification: Dec 8, 2017Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsThe goal of the International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) is to integrate theory and practice in the field of performance engineering by providing a forum for sharing ideas and experiences between industry and academia. Nowadays, complex systems of all types, like Web-based systems, data centers and cloud infrastructures, s ... Read More
The 11th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice 2017WISTP'20172017: Sep 28, 2017 - Sep 29, 2017 in Herlakion, GreeceSubmissions: Jun 15, 2017Notification: Jul 31, 2017Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsThe 11th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP'2017) seeks original submissions from academia and industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of security and privacy, as well as experimental studies of fielded systems, the application of security technology, the impleme ... Read More
Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2017CECC2017: Nov 16, 2017 - Nov 17, 2017 in Ljubljana, SloveniaSubmissions: Jun 19, 2017Notification: Sep 18, 2017Call for PapersPrevious EditionsPrevious PublicationsThe Central European Cybersecurity Conference – CECC 2017 aims at establishing a venue for the exchange of information on cybersecurity and its many aspects in central Europe. CECC 2017 encourages the dialogue between researchers of technical and social aspects of cybersecurity, both crucial in attaining adequate levels of cybersecurity. Comple ... Read More