publications: - title: "An Extended LR Parsing Algorithm For Grammars Using Feature-Based Syntactic Categories" author: - name: "Tsuneko Nakazawa" link: "" year: "1991" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "69-74" booktitle: "eacl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Nakazawa91" - title: "A Systolic Parsing Algorithm for a Visual Programming Language" author: - name: "Adam W. Bojanczyk" link: "" - name: "Takayuki Dan Kimura" link: "" year: "1986" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "programming languages" - "programming" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "48-55" booktitle: "fjcc" kind: "inproceedings" key: "BojanczykK86" - title: "Object-Oriented Visual Language Grammar and its Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Kyung-An Kim" link: "" - name: "Kiho Lee" link: "" year: "1998" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "86-87" booktitle: "vl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "KimL98:1" - title: "A Parallel Parsing Algorithm for Natural Language using Tree Adjoining Grammar" author: - name: "Tom Nurkkala" link: "" - name: "Vipin Kumar" link: "" year: "1994" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "820-828" booktitle: "ipps" kind: "inproceedings" key: "NurkkalaK94" - title: "Weighted Deductive Parsing and Knuth s Algorithm" author: - name: "Mark-Jan Nederhof" link: "" year: "2003" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "coling" volume: "29" number: "1" pages: "135-143" kind: "article" key: "Nederhof03" - title: "A Bottom-Up Adaption of Earley s Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Frédéric Voisin" link: "" year: "1988" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "146-160" booktitle: "plilp" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Voisin88" - title: "A Yo-Yo Parsing Algorithm for a Large Class of van Wijngaarden Grammars" author: - name: "Anthony J. Fisher" link: "" year: "1992" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ACTA" volume: "29" number: "5" pages: "461-481" kind: "article" key: "Fisher92" - title: "An Incremental LL(1) Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Wuu Yang" link: "" year: "1993" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "incremental" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ipl" volume: "48" number: "2" pages: "67-72" kind: "article" key: "Yang93a" - title: "The Grammar Tool Box: A Case Study Comparing GLR Parsing Algorithms" author: - name: "Adrian Johnstone" link: "" - name: "Elizabeth Scott" link: "" - name: "Giorgios R. Economopoulos" link: "" year: "2004" doi: "" abstract: "The Grammar Tool Box is a toolset for manipulating Context Free Grammars and objects associated with them such as parsers, languages and derivations. GTB has three main rôles: as a pedagogic tool; as an experimental platform for novel algorithms and representations; and as a production tool for translator front end generation. In this paper we give an overview of GTB and its companion Java-based animator tool PAT. We illustrate the use of the toolset in the construction of a comparative study of three variants of the Tomita-style GLR parsing algorithm running on LR(0), SLR(1) and LR(1) tables for ANSI-C, ISO-Pascal and IBM VS-COBOL, and give results showing the size of the structures constructed by these parsers and the amount of searching required during the parse, which abstracts their runtime." links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "GLR parsing" - "rule-based" - "Java" - "case study" - "context free languages" - "GLR" - "C++" - "context-aware" - "Meta-Environment" - "Cobol" - "parsing" - "Pascal" - "grammar types" - "meta-objects" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ENTCS" volume: "110" pages: "97-113" kind: "article" key: "JohnstoneSE04:0" - title: "An Efficient Chinese Parsing Algorithm for Computer-Assisted Language Learning" author: - name: "Chi-Hong Leung" link: "" - name: "Yuen-Yan Chan" link: "" - name: "Albert K. W. Wu" link: "" year: "2002" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "195-196" booktitle: "ICCE" kind: "inproceedings" key: "LeungCW02" - title: "On the translation of languages from left to right" author: - name: "Donald E. Knuth" link: "" year: "1965" abstract: "There has been much recent interest in languages whose grammar is sufficiently simple that an efficient left-to-right parsing algorithm can be mechanically produced from the grammar. In this paper, we define LR(k) grammars, which are perhaps the most general ones of this type, and they provide the basis for understanding all of the special tricks which have been used in the construction of parsing algorithms for languages with simple structure, e.g. algebraic languages. We give algorithms for deciding if a given grammar satisfies the LR(k) condition, for given k, and also give methods for generating recognizes for LR(k) grammars. It is shown that the problem of whether or not a grammar is LR(k) for some k is undecidable, and the paper concludes by establishing various connections between LR(k) grammars and deterministic languages. In particular, the LR(k) condition is a natural analogue, for grammars, of the deterministic condition, for languages." links: "pdf": "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "translation" - "e-science" - " algebra" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "Information and control" volume: "8" number: "6" kind: "article" key: "knuth1965translation" - title: "A new top-down parsing algorithm to accommodate ambiguity and left recursion in polynomial time" author: - name: "Richard A. Frost" link: "" - name: "Rahmatullah Hafiz" link: "" year: "2006" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "SIGPLAN" volume: "41" number: "5" pages: "46-54" kind: "article" key: "FrostH06" - title: "Online Sequential Prediction via Incremental Parsing: The Active LeZi Algorithm" author: - name: "Karthik Gopalratnam" link: "" - name: "Diane J. Cook" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "incremental" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "expert" volume: "22" number: "1" pages: "52-58" kind: "article" key: "GopalratnamC07" - title: "A backtracking LR algorithm for parsing ambiguous context-dependent languages" author: - name: "Adrian D. Thurston" link: "" - name: "James R. Cordy" link: "" year: "2006" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "39-53" booktitle: "cascon" kind: "inproceedings" key: "ThurstonC06" - title: "A fast algorithm for video parsing using MPEG compressed sequences" author: - name: "Ke Shen" link: "" - name: "Edward J. Delp" link: "" year: "1995" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "2252-2255" booktitle: "icip" kind: "inproceedings" key: "ShenD95" - title: "Generalized Lr Parsing Algorithm for Boolean Grammars" author: - name: "Alexander Okhotin" link: "" year: "2006" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ijfcs" volume: "17" number: "3" pages: "629-664" kind: "article" key: "Okhotin06" - title: "A Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm for Stochastic Natural Language Parsing" author: - name: "Lourdes Araujo" link: "" year: "2002" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "700-709" booktitle: "ppsn" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Araujo02" - title: "BRNGLR: a cubic Tomita-style GLR parsing algorithm" author: - name: "Elizabeth Scott" link: "" - name: "Adrian Johnstone" link: "" - name: "Giorgios R. Economopoulos" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" abstract: "Tomita-style generalised LR (GLR) algorithms extend the standard LR algorithm to non-deterministic grammars by performing all possible choices of action. Cubic complexity is achieved if all rules are of length at most two. In this paper we shall show how to achieve cubic time bounds for all grammars by binarising the search performed whilst executing reduce actions in a GLR-style parser. We call the resulting algorithm Binary Right Nulled GLR (BRNGLR) parsing. The binarisation process generates run-time behaviour that is related to that shown by a parser which pre-processes its grammar or parse table into a binary form, but without the increase in table size and with a reduced run-time space overhead. BRNGLR parsers have worst-case cubic run time on all grammars, linear behaviour on LR(1) grammars and produce, in worst-case cubic time, a cubic size binary SPPF representation of all the derivations of a given sentence. " links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "GLR parsing" - "rule-based" - "GLR" - "rules" - "search" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ACTA" volume: "44" number: "6" pages: "427-461" kind: "article" key: "ScottJE07" - title: "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm for Natural Languages" author: - name: "Masaru Tomita" link: "" year: "1985" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 1 pages: "756-764" booktitle: "IJCAI" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Tomita85" - title: "Generalised LR parsing algorithms" author: - name: "Giorgios R. Economopoulos" link: "" year: "2006" month: "August" abstract: "This thesis concerns the parsing of context-free grammars. A parser is a tool, defined for a specific grammar, that constructs a syntactic representation of an input string and determines if the string is grammatically correct or not. An algorithm that is capable of parsing any context-free grammar is called a generalised (context-free) parser. This thesis is devoted to the theoretical analysis of generalised parsing algorithms. We describe, analyse and compare several algorithms that are based on Knuth's LR parser. This work underpins the design and implementation of the Parser Animation Tool (PAT). We use PAT to evaluate the asymptotic complexity of generalised parsing algorithms and to develop the Binary Right Nulled Generalised LR algorithm - a new cubic worst case parser. We also compare the Right Nullable Generalised LR, Reduction Incorporated Generalised LR, Farshi, Tomita and Earley algorithms using the statistical data collected by PAT. Our study indicates that the overheads associated with some of the parsing algorithms may have significant consequences on their behaviour. " tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "GLR parsing" - "rule-based" - "case study" - "design complexity" - "GLR" - "analysis" - "data-flow" - "context-aware" - "data-flow analysis" - "parsing" - "design" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 school: "Royal Holloway, University of London" advisor: - name: "Elizabeth Scott" link: "" - name: "Adrian Johnstone" link: "" kind: "phdthesis" key: "economopoulos06" - title: "Providing rapid feedback in generated modular language environments: adding error recovery to scannerless generalized-LR parsing" author: - name: "Lennart C. L. Kats" link: "" - name: "Maartje de Jonge" link: "" - name: "Emma Nilsson-Nyman" link: "" - name: "Eelco Visser" link: "" year: "2009" doi: "" abstract: "Integrated development environments (IDEs) increase programmer productivity, providing rapid, interactive feedback based on the syntax and semantics of a language. A heavy burden lies on developers of new languages to provide adequate IDE support. Code generation techniques provide a viable, efficient approach to semi-automatically produce IDE plugins. Key components for the realization of plugins are the language's grammar and parser. For embedded languages and language extensions, constituent IDE plugin modules and their grammars can be combined. Unlike conventional parsing algorithms, scannerless generalized-LR parsing supports the full set of context-free grammars, which is closed under composition, and hence can parse language embeddings and extensions composed from separate grammar modules. To apply this algorithm in an interactive environment, this paper introduces a novel error recovery mechanism, which allows it to be used with files with syntax errors -- common in interactive editing. Error recovery is vital for providing rapid feedback in case of syntax errors, as most IDE services depend on the parser -- from syntax highlighting to semantic analysis and cross-referencing. We base our approach on the principles of island grammars, and derive permissive grammars with error recovery productions from normal SDF grammars. To cope with the added complexity of these grammars, we adapt the parser to support backtracking. We evaluate the recovery quality and performance of our approach using a set of composed languages, based on Java and Stratego. " links: doi: "" successor: "" "technical report (pdf)": "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "semantics" - "rule-based" - "Java" - "SDF" - "composition" - "analysis" - "principles" - "C++" - "code generation" - "context-aware" - "Meta-Environment" - "parsing" - "scannerless parsing" - "systematic-approach" - "island grammars" - "ASF+SDF" - "grammar" - "Stratego" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 1 pages: "445-464" booktitle: "OOPSLA" kind: "inproceedings" key: "KatsJNV09" - title: "Language-parametric Techniques for Language-Specific Editors" author: - name: "Maartje de Jonge" link: "" year: "2014" month: "January" doi: "" abstract: "The goal of this dissertation is to develop techniques that simplify the implementation of tool support for new languages. More specifically, we focus on language-parametric solutions for the implementation of language-specific editor support. In the first part of this dissertation we investigate generic techniques to recover from syntax errors that occur during interactive editing. In the second part we look into language-parametric techniques for the implementation of refactoring tools." links: doi: "" "blog": "" "pdf": "" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 school: "Delft University of Technology" address: "Delft, TheNetherlands" advisor: - name: "Eelco Visser" link: "" - name: "Arie van Deursen" link: "" kind: "phdthesis" key: "DeJonge2014" - title: "Polymorphic Syntax Definition" author: - name: "Eelco Visser" link: "" year: "1998" doi: "" abstract: "Context-free grammars are used in several algebraic specification formalisms instead of first-order signatures for the definition of the structure of algebras, because grammars provide better notation than signatures. The rigidity of these first-order structures enforces a choice between strongly typed structures with little genericity or generic operations over untyped structures. In two-level signatures level 1 defines the algebra of types used at level 0 providing the possibility to define polymorphic abstract data types. Two-level grammars are the grammatical counterpart of two-level signatures. This paper discusses the correspondence between context-free grammars and first-order signatures, the extension of this correspondence to two-level grammars and signatures, examples of the usage of two-level grammars for polymorphic syntax definition, a restriction of the class of two-level grammars for which the parsing problem is decidable, a parsing algorithm that yields a minimal and finite set of most general parse trees for this class of grammars, and a proof of its correctness." links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "syntax definition" - "abstract syntax" - "data-flow" - "algebraic specification" - " algebra" - "context-aware" - "parsing" - "signature" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "TCS" volume: "199" number: "1-2" pages: "57-86" kind: "article" key: "Visser98" - title: "A New Approach to Earley s Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "F. E. J. Kruseman Aretz" link: "" year: "1989" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "e-science" - "parsing" - "systematic-approach" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "SCP" volume: "12" number: "2" pages: "105-121" kind: "article" key: "Aretz89" - title: "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm with Semantic Actions" author: - name: "Marco Piastra" link: "" - name: "Roberto Bolognesi" link: "" year: "1991" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "271-280" booktitle: "aiia" kind: "inproceedings" key: "PiastraB91" - title: "A Parsing Algorithm for Unification Grammar" author: - name: "Andrew R. Haas" link: "" year: "1989" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "coling" volume: "15" number: "4" pages: "219-232" kind: "article" key: "Haas89:0" - title: "Extending Earley s context-free parsing algorithm for string pattern matching" author: - name: "Ken-Chih Liu" link: "" year: "1988" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "pattern matching" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "500-509" booktitle: "acm" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Liu88:1" - title: "An Incremental On-line Parsing Algorithm for Recognizing Sketching Diagrams" author: - name: "Joan Mas" link: "" - name: "Gemma Sánchez" link: "" - name: "Josep Lladós" link: "" - name: "Bart Lamiroy" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "incremental" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "452-456" booktitle: "icdar" kind: "inproceedings" key: "MasSLL07" - title: "A New Parsing Algorithm for EOL-Systems" author: - name: "Kulathur S. Rajasethupathy" link: "" - name: "R. K. Shyamasundar" link: "" year: "1982" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "eik" volume: "18" number: "10/11" pages: "543-564" kind: "article" key: "RajasethupathyyS82" - title: "An Optimized Parsing Algorithm Well Suited to RNA Folding" author: - name: "Fabrice Lefebvre" link: "" year: "1995" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "optimization" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "222-230" booktitle: "ismb" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Lefebvre95" - title: "Derivation of a Parsing Algorithm in Martin-Löf s Theory of Types" author: - name: "Paul Chisholm" link: "" year: "1987" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "type theory" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "SCP" volume: "8" number: "1" pages: "1-42" kind: "article" key: "Chisholm87" - title: "A Novel Video Parsing Algorithm Utilizing the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance Emotional Information" author: - name: "Sutjipto Arifin" link: "" - name: "Peter Y. K. Cheung" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "333-336" booktitle: "icip" kind: "inproceedings" key: "ArifinC07:1" - title: "Generalised Parsing: Some Costs" author: - name: "Adrian Johnstone" link: "" - name: "Elizabeth Scott" link: "" - name: "Giorgios R. Economopoulos" link: "" year: "2004" doi: "" abstract: "We discuss generalisations of bottom up parsing, emphasising the relative costs for real programming languages. Our goal is to provide a roadmap of the available approaches in terms of their space and time performance for programming language applications, focusing mainly on GLR style algorithms. It is well known that the original Tomita GLR algorithm fails to terminate on hidden left recursion: here we analyse two approaches to correct GLR parsing (i) the modification due to Farshi that is incorporated into Visserrsquos work and (ii) our own right-nullable GLR (RNGLR) algorithm, showing that Farshirsquos approach can be expensive. We also present results from our new Binary RNGLR algorithm which is asymptotically the fastest parser in this family and show that the recently reported reduction incorporated parsers can require automata that are too large to be practical on current machines." links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "programming languages" - "GLR parsing" - "GLR" - "programming" - "parsing" - "systematic-approach" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "89-103" booktitle: "CC" kind: "inproceedings" key: "JohnstoneSE04" - title: "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm (Reprint)" author: - name: "Jay Earley" link: "" year: "1983" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "CACM" volume: "26" number: "1" pages: "57-61" kind: "article" key: "Earley83" - title: "A faster algorithm for the computation of string convolutions using LZ78 parsing" author: - name: "Valerio Freschi" link: "" - name: "Alessandro Bogliolo" link: "" year: "2010" doi: "" abstract: "String convolution between vectors of integers representing a pattern and a text is a widely used computational primitive in string processing. In this paper, we investigate the use of an algorithmic framework which exploits sequence repetitions (identified according to the Lempel–Ziv parsing technique, i.e., the LZ78 algorithm) to speed up conventional algorithms (based on Fast Fourier Transform) for the computation of convolution between a pattern and a text, when the text is long enough and the pattern is sufficiently small. In particular, we present a deterministic algorithm which, given a text T of length n (drawn from a constant size alphabet ΣT) and a pattern P of length m (drawn from a constant size alphabet ΣP), computes the convolution between P and T with time and space complexity View the MathML source, where h is the entropy of text T." links: doi: "" dblp: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "source-to-source" - "parsing" - "open-source" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ipl" volume: "110" number: "14-15" pages: "609-613" kind: "article" key: "FreschiB10" - title: "A new parallel algorithm for parsing arithmetic infix expressions" author: - name: "Y. N. Srikant" link: "" - name: "Priti Shankar" link: "" year: "1987" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "pc" volume: "4" number: "3" pages: "291-304" kind: "article" key: "SrikantS87" - title: "A Data Parallel Algorithm for XML DOM Parsing" author: - name: "Bhavik Shah" link: "" - name: "Praveen Rao" link: "" - name: "Bongki Moon" link: "" - name: "Mohan Rajagopalan" link: "" year: "2009" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "XML" - "XML Schema" - "data-flow" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "75-90" booktitle: "xsym" kind: "inproceedings" key: "ShahRMR09" - title: "A Generalized CYK Algorithm for Parsing Stochastic CFG" author: - name: "Jean-Cédric Chappelier" link: "" - name: "Martin Rajman" link: "" year: "1998" doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "133-137" booktitle: "tapd" kind: "inproceedings" key: "ChappelierR98" - title: "Processing XPath queries with forward and downward axes over XML streams" author: - name: "Makoto Onizuka" link: "" year: "2010" doi: "" abstract: "We propose an XPath processing algorithm that efficiently evaluates XPath queries in XP{downarrow,rightarrow,*,[]} over XML streams. An XPath query is expressed with axes, which are binary relations between nodes in XML streams: 'downarrow' identifies the child/descendant axes and 'rightarrow' indicates the following/following-sibling axes. The proposed algorithm evaluates XPath queries within one XML parsing pass and outputs the fragments found in XML streams as the query results. The difficulty of XP{downarrow,rightarrow,*,[]} evaluation lies in establishing dynamic scope control for the following/following-sibling axes. The algorithm uses double-layered non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) to resolve this issue. First layer NFA is compiled from XPath queries and is able to evaluate sub-queries in XP{downarrow,rightarrow,*}. Second layer NFA handles predicate parts. It is dynamically maintained during XML parsing: a state is constructed from a pair of the corresponding state in the first layer automaton and the currently parsed node in the XML stream. Layered NFA achieves O(|D||Q|) time complexity by introducing a state sharing technique, which avoids the exponential growth in the state size of Layered NFA by eliminating redundant transitions. We validate the efficiency of the algorithm through empirical experiments and show that Layered NFA is up to four times faster, and twice as fast on average, than existing algorithms. " links: doi: "" tags: - "empirical" - "parsing algorithm" - "XML" - "XML Schema" - "XPath" - "compiler" - "parsing" - "stream processing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "27-38" booktitle: "edbt" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Onizuka10" - title: "A parsing algorithm for Korean implemented in Prolog" author: - name: "Soyoung Kwon" link: "" year: "2006" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "Prolog" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "40-44" booktitle: "ACMse" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Kwon06:8" - title: "An Optimal Tabular Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Mark-Jan Nederhof" link: "" year: "1994" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "117-124" booktitle: "acl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Nederhof94" - title: "An All-Path Parsing Algorithm for Constraint-Based Dependency Grammars of CF-Power" author: - name: "Tomasz Obrêbski" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "constraints" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "139-146" booktitle: "TSD" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Obrebski07" - title: "Evaluating GLR parsing algorithms" author: - name: "Adrian Johnstone" link: "" - name: "Elizabeth Scott" link: "" - name: "Giorgios R. Economopoulos" link: "" year: "2006" doi: "" abstract: "We describe the behaviour of three variants of GLR parsing: (i) Farshi’s original correction to Tomita’s non-general algorithm; (ii) the Right Nulled GLR algorithm which provides a more efficient generalisation of Tomita and (iii) the Binary Right Nulled GLR algorithm, on three types of LR table. We present a guide to the parse-time behaviour of these algorithms which illustrates the inefficiencies in conventional Farshi-style GLR parsing. We also describe the tool GTB (Grammar Tool Box) which provides a platform for comparative studies of parsing algorithms; and use GTB to exercise the three GLR algorithms running with LR(0), SLR(1) and LR(1) tables for ANSI-C, ISO-Pascal and IBM VS-COBOL. We give results showing the size of the structures constructed by these parsers and the amount of searching required during the parse, which abstracts their runtime." links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "GLR parsing" - "context free languages" - "GLR" - "C++" - "context-aware" - "Cobol" - "parsing" - "Pascal" - "grammar types" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "SCP" volume: "61" number: "3" pages: "228-244" kind: "article" key: "JohnstoneSE06" - title: "An Input-Parsing Algorithm Supporting Integration of Deictic Gesture in Natural Language Interface" author: - name: "Yong Sun" link: "" - name: "Fang Chen" link: "" - name: "Yu Shi" link: "" - name: "Vera Chung" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "206-215" booktitle: "hci" kind: "inproceedings" key: "SunCSC07" - title: "Chinese Syntactic Parsing Based on Extended GLR Parsing Algorithm with PCFG*" author: - name: "Yan Zhang" link: "" - name: "Bo Xu" link: "" - name: "Chengqing Zong" link: "" year: "2002" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "GLR parsing" - "rule-based" - "GLR" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 booktitle: "COLING" kind: "inproceedings" key: "ZhangXZ02" - title: "An Extended Operator Precedence Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "D. S. Henderson" link: "" - name: "Michael R. Levy" link: "" year: "1976" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "cj" volume: "19" number: "3" pages: "229-233" kind: "article" key: "HendersonL76" - title: "Active Lezi: an Incremental Parsing Algorithm for Sequential Prediction" author: - name: "Karthik Gopalratnam" link: "" - name: "Diane J. Cook" link: "" year: "2004" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "incremental" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ijait" volume: "13" number: "4" pages: "917-930" kind: "article" key: "Cook04:1" - title: "A General Context-Free Parsing Algorithm Running in Linear Time on Every LR (k) Grammar Without Using Lookahead" author: - name: "Joop M. I. M. Leo" link: "" year: "1991" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "TCS" volume: "82" number: "1" pages: "165-176" kind: "article" key: "Leo91" - title: "Correctness of an Extended Operator-Precedence Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "R. Nigel Horspool" link: "" - name: "Michael R. Levy" link: "" year: "1987" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ipl" volume: "24" number: "4" pages: "265-273" kind: "article" key: "HorspoolL87:0" - title: "A New Algorithm for Deterministic Parsing and Its Application to Grammar and Style Checking" author: - name: "Rey-Long Liu" link: "" - name: "Von-Wun Soo" link: "" year: "1994" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "jise" volume: "11" number: "3" pages: "369-385" kind: "article" key: "LiuS94:6" - title: "Linear Time Algorithm for Parsing RNA Secondary Structure" author: - name: "Baharak Rastegari" link: "" - name: "Anne Condon" link: "" year: "2005" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "341-352" booktitle: "wabi" kind: "inproceedings" key: "RastegariC05" - title: "An Earley-Type Parsing Algorithm for Tree Adjoining Grammars" author: - name: "Yves Schabes" link: "" - name: "Aravind K. Joshi" link: "" year: "1988" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "258-269" booktitle: "acl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "SchabesJ88" - title: "An Efficient Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Algorithm that Computes Prefix Probabilities" author: - name: "Andreas Stolcke" link: "" year: "1995" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "coling" volume: "21" number: "2" pages: "165-201" kind: "article" key: "Stolcke95" - title: "Parse Table Composition" author: - name: "Martin Bravenboer" link: "" - name: "Eelco Visser" link: "" year: "2009" doi: "" abstract: "Module systems, separate compilation, deployment of binary components, and dynamic linking have enjoyed wide acceptance in programming languages and systems. In contrast, the syntax of languages is usually defined in a non-modular way, cannot be compiled separately, cannot easily be combined with the syntax of other languages, and cannot be deployed as a component for later composition. Grammar formalisms that do support modules use whole program compilation. Current extensible compilers focus on source-level extensibility, which requires users to compile the compiler with a specific configuration of extensions. A compound parser needs to be generated for every combination of extensions. The generation of parse tables is expensive, which is a particular problem when the composition configuration is not fixed to enable users to choose language extensions. In this paper we introduce an algorithm for parse table composition to support separate compilation of grammars to parse table components. Parse table components can be composed (linked) efficiently at runtime, i.e. just before parsing. While the worst-case time complexity of parse table composition is exponential (like the complexity of parse table generation itself), for realistic language combination scenarios involving grammars for real languages, our parse table composition algorithm is an order of magnitude faster than computation of the parse table for the combined grammars. " links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "programming languages" - "deployment" - "syntax definition" - "SDF" - "composition" - "source-to-source" - "parse table composition" - "compiler" - "programming" - "language composition" - "parsing" - "extensible language" - "ASF+SDF" - "open-source" - "grammar" - "domain-specific language" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "74-94" booktitle: "SLE" kind: "inproceedings" key: "BravenboerV08" - title: "A process-activation based parsing algorithm for the development of natural language grammars" author: - name: "Massimo Marino" link: "" year: "1988" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "390-395" booktitle: "COLING" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Marino88" - title: "A Modification of the Earley-Shieber Algorithm for Direct Parsing of ID/LP Grammars" author: - name: "James Kilbury" link: "" year: "1984" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "39-48" booktitle: "ki" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Kilbury84" - title: "A Polynomial-Time Parsing Algorithm for K-Depth Languages" author: - name: "Alessandra Cherubini" link: "" - name: "Pierluigi San Pietro" link: "" year: "1996" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "jcss" volume: "52" number: "1" pages: "61-79" kind: "article" key: "CherubiniP96" - title: "Parsing the Wall Street Journal with the Inside-Outside Algorithm" author: - name: "Yves Schabes" link: "" - name: "Michal Roth" link: "" - name: "Randy Osborne" link: "" year: "1993" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "341-347" booktitle: "eacl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "SchabesRO93" - title: "A tabular parsing algorithm with error recovery" author: - name: "Frank Hadlock" link: "" year: "1995" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "275-276" booktitle: "ACMse" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Hadlock95" - title: "Average profile and limiting distribution for a phrase size in the Lempel-Ziv parsing algorithm" author: - name: "Guy Louchard" link: "" - name: "Wojciech Szpankowski" link: "" year: "1995" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "TIT" volume: "41" number: "2" pages: "478-488" kind: "article" key: "LouchardS95" - title: "Locating and Parsing Bibliographical References in HTML Medical Articles" author: - name: "Jie Zou" link: "" - name: "Daniel X. Le" link: "" - name: "George R. Thoma" link: "" year: "2009" abstract: "Bibliographical references that appear in journal articles can provide valuable hints for subsequent information extraction. We describe our statistical machine learning algorithms for locating and parsing such references from HTML medical journal articles. Reference locating identifies the reference sections and then decomposes them into individual references. We formulate reference locating as a two-class classification problem based on text and geometric features. An evaluation conducted on 500 articles from 100 journals achieves near perfect precision and recall rates for locating references. Reference parsing is to identify components, e.g. author, article title, journal title etc., from each individual reference. We implement and compare two reference parsing algorithms. One relies on sequence statistics and trains a Conditional Random Field. The other focuses on local feature statistics and trains a Support Vector Machine to classify each individual word, and then a search algorithm systematically corrects low confidence labels if the label sequence violates a set of predefined rules. The overall performance of these two reference parsing algorithms is about the same: above 99% accuracy at the word level, and over 97% accuracy at the chunk level." tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "classification" - "bibliography" - "machine learning" - "rules" - "search" - "parsing" - "systematic-approach" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 kind: "inproceedings" key: "Zou2009" - title: "An Efficient Extension of Earley s Algorithm for Parsing Multidimensional Structures" author: - name: "Xu Hongxia" link: "" - name: "Zhang Li" link: "" year: "2008" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "780-783" booktitle: "csse" kind: "inproceedings" key: "HongxiaL08" - title: "A Polynomial Parsing Algorithm for the Topological Model: Synchronizing Constituent and Dependency Grammars, Illustrated by German Word Order Phenomena" author: - name: "Kim Gerdes" link: "" - name: "Sylvain Kahane" link: "" year: "2006" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "synchronization" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 booktitle: "acl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "GerdesK06" - title: "On-Line Longest Fragment First Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Hideo Nagumo" link: "" - name: "Mi Lu" link: "" - name: "Karan L. Watson" link: "" year: "1996" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ipl" volume: "59" number: "2" pages: "91-96" kind: "article" key: "NagumoLW96" - title: "A New Parallel Algorithm for Generalized LR Parsing" author: - name: "Hiroaki Numazaki" link: "" - name: "Hozumi Tanaka" link: "" year: "1990" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "305-310" booktitle: "COLING" kind: "inproceedings" key: "NumazakiT90" - title: "A context sensitive tabular parsing algorithm" author: - name: "Frank Hadlock" link: "" year: "1990" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "111-117" booktitle: "ACMse" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Hadlock90" - title: "A Chart-Parsing Algorithm for Efficient Semantic Analysis" author: - name: "Pascal Vaillant" link: "" year: "2002" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "analysis" - "parsing" - "Pascal" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 booktitle: "coling" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Vaillant02-0" - title: "Fast Stochastic Context-Free Parsing: A Stochastic Version of the Valiant Algorithm" author: - name: "José-Miguel Benedí" link: "" - name: "Joan-Andreu Sánchez" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "80-88" booktitle: "ibpria" kind: "inproceedings" key: "BenediS07" - title: "Active LeZi: An Incremental Parsing Algorithm for Sequential Prediction" author: - name: "Karthik Gopalratnam" link: "" - name: "Diane J. Cook" link: "" year: "2003" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "incremental" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "38-42" booktitle: "flairs" kind: "inproceedings" key: "GopalratnamC03" - title: "NEM-XML: A Fast Non-extractive XML Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Yunsong Zhang" link: "" - name: "Lei Zhao" link: "" - name: "Jiwen Yang" link: "" - name: "Liying Yu" link: "" year: "2009" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "XML" - "XML Schema" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "347-350" booktitle: "mue" kind: "inproceedings" key: "ZhangZYY09" - title: "Grammar-based whitebox fuzzing" author: - name: "Patrice Godefroid" link: "" - name: "Adam Kiezun" link: "" - name: "Michael Y. Levin" link: "" year: "2008" doi: "" abstract: "Whitebox fuzzing is a form of automatic dynamic test generation, based on symbolic execution and constraint solving, designed for security testing of large applications. Unfortunately, the current effectiveness of whitebox fuzzing is limited when testing applications with highly-structured inputs, such as compilers and interpreters. These applications process their inputs in stages, such as lexing, parsing and evaluation. Due to the enormous number of control paths in early processing stages, whitebox fuzzing rarely reaches parts of the application beyond those first stages. In this paper, we study how to enhance whitebox fuzzing of complex structured-input applications with a grammar-based specification of their valid inputs. We present a novel dynamic test generation algorithm where symbolic execution directly generates grammar-based constraints whose satisfiability is checked using a custom grammar-based constraint solver. We have implemented this algorithm and evaluated it on a large security-critical application, the JavaScript interpreter of Internet Explorer 7 (IE7). Results of our experiments show that grammar-based whitebox fuzzing explores deeper program paths and avoids dead-ends due to non-parsable inputs. Compared to regular whitebox fuzzing, grammar-based whitebox fuzzing increased coverage of the code generation module of the IE7 JavaScript interpreter from 53% to 81% while using three times fewer tests." links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "JavaScript" - "rule-based" - "test coverage" - "interpreter" - "testing" - "constraints" - "code generation" - "security" - "compiler" - "parsing" - "coverage" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "206-215" booktitle: "PLDI" kind: "inproceedings" key: "GodefroidKL08" - title: "A Hierarchical and Multi-Model Based Algorithm for Lead Detection and News Program Narrative Parsing" author: - name: "Jin-Hau Kuo" link: "" - name: "Jen-Bin Kuo" link: "" - name: "Hsuan-Wei Chen" link: "" - name: "Ja-Ling Wu" link: "" year: "2005" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "511-514" booktitle: "aina" kind: "inproceedings" key: "KuoKCW05" - title: "A recognition and parsing algorithm for arbitrary conjunctive grammars" author: - name: "Alexander Okhotin" link: "" year: "2003" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "TCS" volume: "302" number: "1-3" pages: "365-399" kind: "article" key: "Okhotin03:4" - title: "Faster Scannerless GLR Parsing" author: - name: "Giorgios R. Economopoulos" link: "" - name: "Paul Klint" link: "" - name: "Jurgen J. Vinju" link: "" year: "2009" doi: "" abstract: "Analysis and renovation of large software portfolios requires syntax analysis of multiple, usually embedded, languages and this is beyond the capabilities of many standard parsing techniques. The traditional separation between lexer and parser falls short due to the limitations of tokenization based on regular expressions when handling multiple lexical grammars. In such cases scannerless parsing provides a viable solution. It uses the power of context-free grammars to be able to deal with a wide variety of issues in parsing lexical syntax. However, it comes at the price of less efficiency. The structure of tokens is obtained using a more powerful but more time and memory intensive parsing algorithm. Scannerless grammars are also more non-deterministic than their tokenized counterparts, increasing the burden on the parsing algorithm even further. In this paper we investigate the application of the Right-Nulled Generalized LR parsing algorithm (RNGLR) to scannerless parsing. We adapt the Scannerless Generalized LR parsing and filtering algorithm (SGLR) to implement the optimizations of RNGLR. We present an updated parsing and filtering algorithm, called SRNGLR, and analyze its performance in comparison to SGLR on ambiguous grammars for the programming languages C, Java, Python, SASL, and C++. Measurements show that SRNGLR is on average 33% faster than SGLR, but is 95% faster on the highly ambiguous SASL grammar. For the mainstream languages C, C++, Java and Python the average speedup is 16%. " links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "programming languages" - "GLR parsing" - "optimization" - "rule-based" - "Java" - "program analysis" - "lexical syntax" - "embedded software" - "scannerless" - "GLR" - "analysis" - "C++" - "programming" - "context-aware" - "program optimization" - "parsing" - "scannerless parsing" - "SGLR" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "126-141" booktitle: "CC" kind: "inproceedings" key: "EconomopoulosKV09" - title: "A new implementation of the Ziv-Lempel incremental parsing algorithm" author: - name: "Tsutomu Kawabata" link: "" - name: "Hirosuke Yamamoto" link: "" year: "1991" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "incremental" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "TIT" volume: "37" number: "5" pages: "1439" kind: "article" key: "KawabataY91" - title: "A new parallel LR parsing algorithm" author: - name: "Kenneth J. Hendrickson" link: "" year: "1995" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "277-281" booktitle: "SAC" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Hendrickson95" - title: "An Efficient Chart-based Algorithm for Partial-Parsing of Unrestricted Texts" author: - name: "David D. McDonald" link: "" year: "1992" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "193-200" booktitle: "anlp" kind: "inproceedings" key: "McDonald92:0" - title: "An Efficient All-Parses Systolic Algorithm for General Context-Free Parsing" author: - name: "Oscar H. Ibarra" link: "" - name: "Michael A. Palis" link: "" year: "1989" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "403-419" booktitle: "wads" kind: "inproceedings" key: "IbarraP89" - title: "Parsing Nucleic Acid Pseudoknotted Secondary Structure: Algorithm and Applications" author: - name: "Baharak Rastegari" link: "" - name: "Anne Condon" link: "" year: "2007" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "jcb" volume: "14" number: "1" pages: "16-32" kind: "article" key: "RastegariC07" - title: "Component-based LR parsing" author: - name: "Xiaoqing Wu" link: "" - name: "Barrett R. Bryant" link: "" - name: "Jeffrey G. Gray" link: "" - name: "Marjan Mernik" link: "" year: "2010" doi: "" abstract: "A language implementation with proper compositionality enables a compiler developer to divide-and-conquer the complexity of building a large language by constructing a set of smaller languages. Ideally, these small language implementations should be independent of each other such that they can be designed, implemented and debugged individually, and later be reused in different applications (e.g., building domain-specific languages). However, the language composition offered by several existing parser generators resides at the grammar level, which means all the grammar modules need to be composed together and all corresponding ambiguities have to be resolved before generating a single parser for the language. This produces tight coupling between grammar modules, which harms information hiding and affects independent development of language features. To address this problem, we have developed a novel parsing algorithm that we call Component-based LR (CLR) parsing, which provides code-level compositionality for language development by producing a separate parser for each grammar component. In addition to shift and reduce actions, the algorithm extends general LR parsing by introducing switch and return actions to empower the parsing action to jump from one parser to another. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that CLR increases the comprehensibility, reusability, changeability and independent development ability of the language implementation. Moreover, the loose coupling among parser components enables CLR to describe grammars that contain LR parsing conflicts or require ambiguous token definitions, such as island grammars and embedded languages." links: doi: "" dblp: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "reusable components" - "rule-based" - "design complexity" - "composition" - "language design" - "reuse" - "information hiding" - "debugging" - "compiler" - "parsing" - "grammar" - "domain-specific language" researchr: "" cites: 38 citedby: 0 journal: "Comp. Lang., Syst. \\& Struct." volume: "36" number: "1" pages: "16-33" kind: "article" key: "WuBGM10" - title: "An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Arithmetic Expression Parsing" author: - name: "Weian Deng" link: "" - name: "S. Sitharama Iyengar" link: "" year: "1992" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "212-215" booktitle: "ipps" kind: "inproceedings" key: "DengI92" - title: "An Efficient Augmented-Context-Free Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Masaru Tomita" link: "" year: "1987" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "coling" volume: "13" number: "1-2" pages: "31-46" kind: "article" key: "Tomita87" - title: "A New Top-Down Parsing Algorithm for Left-Recursive DCGs" author: - name: "Mark-Jan Nederhof" link: "" year: "1993" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "108-122" booktitle: "plilp" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Nederhof93" - title: "An Efficient Parsing Algorithm for Tree Adjoining Grammars" author: - name: "Karin Harbusch" link: "" year: "1990" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "284-291" booktitle: "acl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Harbusch90" - title: "Improved GLR Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Miao Li" link: "" - name: "ZhiGuo Wei" link: "" - name: "Jian Zhang" link: "" - name: "ZeLin Hu" link: "" year: "2005" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "GLR parsing" - "GLR" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "169-178" booktitle: "icic" kind: "inproceedings" key: "LiWZH05" - title: "An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Jay Earley" link: "" year: "1970" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "CACM" volume: "13" number: "2" pages: "94-102" kind: "article" key: "Earley70:0" - title: "Algorithm Recognition for Programming Tutoring Based on Flow Graph Parsing" author: - name: "Seokwon Kim" link: "" - name: "Jin Hyung Kim" link: "" year: "1996" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "rule-based" - "data-flow programming" - "data-flow" - "graph-rewriting" - "programming" - "rewriting" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "apin" volume: "6" number: "2" pages: "153-164" kind: "article" key: "KimK96:3" - title: "A Transformational Derivation of a Parsing Algorithm in a High-Level Language" author: - name: "Edith Deak" link: "" year: "1981" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "transformation language" - "parsing" - "transformation" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "TSE" volume: "7" number: "1" pages: "23-31" kind: "article" key: "Deak81" - title: "Scannerless Generalized-LR Parsing" author: - name: "Eelco Visser" link: "" year: "1997" month: "July" abstract: "Current deterministic parsing techniques have a number of problems. These include the limitations of parser generators for deterministic languages and the complex interface between scanner and parser. Scannerless parsing is a parsing technique in which lexical and context-free syntax are integrated into one grammar and are all handled by a single context-free analysis phase. This approach has a number of advantages including discarding of the scanner and lexical disambiguation by means of the context in which a lexical token occurs, Scannerless parsing generates a number of interesting problems as well. Integrated grammars do not fit the requirements of the conventional deterministic parsing techniques. A plain context-free grammar formalism leads to unwieldy grammars. if all lexical information is included. Lexical disambiguation needs to be reformulated for use in context-free parsing. The scannerless generalized-LR parsing approach presented in this paper solves these problems. Grammar normalization is used to support an expressive grammar formalism without complicating the underlying machinery. Follow restrictions are used to express longest match lexical disambiguation. Reject productions are used to express the prefer keywords rule for lexical disambiguation. The SLR parser generation algorithm is adapted to implement disambiguation by general priority and associativity declarations and to interpret follow restrictions. Generalized-LR parsing is used to provide dynamic lookahead and to support parsing of arbitrary context-free grammars including ambiguous ones. An adaptation of the GLR algorithm supports the interpretation of grammars with reject productions. " tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "GLR parsing" - "rule-based" - "SDF" - "lexical syntax" - "disambiguation" - "GLR" - "analysis" - "rules" - "context-aware" - "parsing" - "scannerless parsing" - "systematic-approach" - "ASF+SDF" - "SGLR" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 6 institution: "Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam" number: "P9707" kind: "techreport" key: "Visser97-SGLR" - title: "A Parallel Parsing Algorithm for Arbitrary Context-Free Grammars" author: - name: "Dong-Yul Ra" link: "" - name: "Jong-Hyun Kim" link: "" year: "1996" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "context-aware" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 journal: "ipl" volume: "58" number: "2" pages: "87-96" kind: "article" key: "RaK96" - title: "Incremental Parsing with the Perceptron Algorithm" author: - name: "Michael Collins" link: "" - name: "Brian Roark" link: "" year: "2004" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "incremental" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "111-118" booktitle: "acl" kind: "inproceedings" key: "CollinsR04" - title: "Fast Parsing for Boolean Grammars: A Generalization of Valiant s Algorithm" author: - name: "Alexander Okhotin" link: "" year: "2010" doi: "" links: doi: "" dblp: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" - "grammar" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "340-351" booktitle: "dlt" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Okhotin10-2" - title: "An Optimal Parallel Parsing Algorithm for a Class of Block Structured Languages" author: - name: "Dilip Sarkar" link: "" - name: "Narsingh Deo" link: "" year: "1987" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "585-588" booktitle: "icpp" kind: "inproceedings" key: "SarkarD87:0" - title: "An Improved Left-Corner Parsing Algorithm" author: - name: "Kenneth M. Ross" link: "" year: "1982" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "333-338" booktitle: "COLING" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Ross82" - title: "An Efficient Japanese Parsing Algorithm for Computer-Assisted Language Learning" author: - name: "Chi-Hong Leung" link: "" - name: "Wun-Na Yung" link: "" year: "2003" doi: "" links: doi: "" tags: - "parsing algorithm" - "parsing" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 pages: "456" booktitle: "icalt" kind: "inproceedings" key: "LeungY03"