publications: - title: "Spatially Adaptive Regularized Pel-Recursive Motion Estimation Based on the EM Algorithm" author: - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Nikolas P. Galatsanos" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Nikolas P. Galatsanos" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Nikolas P. Galatsanos" link: "" - name: "Nikolas P. Galatsanos" link: "" - name: "Nikolaos Galatsanos" link: "" year: "2000" doi: "10.1117/12.382969" abstract: "Pel-recursive motion estimation is a well-established approach for motion estimation. However, in the presence of noise, it becomes an il-posed problem that requires regulation. In the past, regularization for pel-recursive estimations was addressed in an ad-hoc manner. In this paper, a Bayesian estimation framework is used to deal with this issue. More specifically, motion vectors and regularization parameters are estimated in an iterative fashion by means of the Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithm and a Gaussian data model. The proposed algorithm utilizes the local image properties to regularize the motion vector estimates following a spatially adaptive approach. Numerical experiments are presented that demonstrate the merits of the proposed algorithm." tags: - "rule-based" - "Expectation-Maximization Algorithm" - "regularization" - "EM Algorithm" - "Inverse problems" - "2D optical flow " - "image processing" - "Computer vision" - "Motion estimation" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 6 kind: "inproceedings" key: "EstrelaGalatsanosEstrelaGalatsanos2000" - title: "A principal component regression strategy for estimating motion" author: - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Marcos Henrique da Silva Bassani" link: "" - name: "Joaquim Teixeira de Assis" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "2007" abstract: "In this paper, we derive a principal component regression (PCR) method for estimating the optical flow between frames of video sequences according to a pel-recursive manner. This is an easy alternative to dealing with mixtures of motion vectors due to the lack of too much prior information on their statistics (although they are supposed to be normal). The 2D motion vector estimation takes into consideration local image properties. The main advantage of the developed procedure is that no knowledge of the noise distribution is necessary. Preliminary experiments indicate that this approach provides robust estimates of the optical flow." links: "citeseerx": ";jsessionid=30CF9945160054185FD717CA89B547ED?doi=" "url": "" researchr: "" cites: 16 citedby: 1 pages: "224-228" booktitle: "The Seventh IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing" kind: "inproceedings" key: "Estrela:2007:PCR:1659167.1659210" - title: "Avaliação experimental de algoritmos de visão computacional em maquinas MIMD baseadas em \"transputers\"" author: - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "1991" abstract: "Este trabalho visa a avalia\\c{c}\\~{a}o de uma classe de algoritmos de vis\\~{a}o computacional conhecida genericamente como Transformada de Hough em m\\'{a}quinas distribu\\'{\\i}das baseadas em \"transputers\". Esta t\\'{e}cnica pode ser utilizada para detectar curvas e formas em imagens digitalizadas, demandando grande quantidade de mem\\'{o}ria e consider\\'{a}vel esfor\\c{c}o computacional. Optou-se por muItiprocessadores baseados em \"transputers\" pelo fato desta tecnologia ter se mostrado bastante promissora em aplica\\c{c}\\~{o}es envolvendo computa\\c{c}\\~{a}o gr\\'{a}fica. Adicionalmente, h\\'{a} poucos trabalhos no Brasil abordando a utiliza\\c{c}\\~{a}o de \"transputers\" em processamento de imagem e vis\\~{a}o computacional. Em primeiro lugar, esta pesquisa faz um levantamento dos aspectos te\\'{o}ricos envolvidos, tais como a caracteriza\\c{c}\\~{a}o dos problemas a serem tratados e dos tipos de m\\'{a}quinas usados em processamento de imagem. A seguir, s\\~{a}o abordadas quest\\~{o}es referentes \\`{a} implementa\\c{c}\\~{a}o da t\\'{e}cnica em estudo e s\\~{a}o discutidos os resultados obtidos com diversas topologias e organiza\\c{c}\\~{o}es de dados e tarefas." links: "url": "" tags: - "C++" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 school: "Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (ITA)" type: "M. Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering " address: "Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil" advisor: - name: "Osamu Saotome" link: "" kind: "mastersthesis" key: "citeulike:11966288" - title: "Data-Driven Motion Estimation with Spatial Adaptation" author: - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "2012" abstract: "Besides being an ill-posed problem, the pel-recursive computation of 2-D optical flow raises a wealth of issues, such as the treatment of outliers, motion discontinuities and occlusion. Our proposed approach deals with these issues within a common framework. It relies on the use of a data-driven technique called Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) to estimate the best regularization scheme for a given moving pixel. In our model, a regularization matrix carries information about different sources of error in its entries and motion vector estimation takes into consideration local image properties following a spatially adaptive. Preliminary experiments indicate that this approach provides robust estimates of the optical flow." links: "url": "" tags: - " spatial adaptation" - "data validation" - "video processing" - " image motion estimation " - "meta-model" - "regularization" - "2D optical flow " - "image processing" - "Motion estimation" - " generalized cross-validation technique " - "information models" - " occlusion " - "Meta-Environment" - " regularization matrix " - " regularized pel-recursive algorithms " - "systematic-approach" researchr: "" cites: 17 citedby: 7 pages: "54-67" booktitle: "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMAGE PROCESSING (IJIP)" kind: "inproceedings" key: "citeulike:11966066" - title: "Pel-Recursive Motion Estimation Using the Expectation-Maximization Technique and Spatial Adaptation" author: - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Luís Antonio Rivera" link: "" - name: "Marcos Henrique da Silva Bassani" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Marcos Henrique da Silva Bassani" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Luis Antonio Rivera" link: "" - name: "Luis Antonio Rivera Escriba" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "2004" abstract: "Pel-recursive motion estimation is a well-established approach. However, in the presence of noise, it becomes an ill-posed problem that requires regularization. In this paper, motion vectors are estimated in an iterative fashion by means of the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm and a Gaussian data model. Our proposed algorithm also utilizes the local image properties of the scene to improve the motion vector estimates following a spatially adaptive approach. Numerical experiments are presented that demonstrate the merits of our methods." researchr: "" cites: 9 citedby: 0 pages: "47-54" booktitle: "wscg" kind: "inproceedings" key: "EstrelaRB04" - title: "Sub-pixel accuracy edge fitting by means of B-spline" author: - name: "Ricardo Lucas Breder Breder" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Joaquim Teixeira de Assis" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Joaquim Teixeira de Assis" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Ricardo Lucas Breder" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Joaquim T. de Assis" link: "" - name: "V V Estrela" link: "" - name: "Joaquim T. de Assis" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "2009" abstract: "Local perturbations around contours strongly disturb the final result of computer vision tasks. It is common to introduce a priori information in the estimation process. Improvement can be achieved via a deformable model such as the snake model. In recent works, the deformable contour is modeled by means of B-spline snakes which allows local control, concise representation, and the use of fewer parameters. The estimation of the sub-pixel edges using a global B-spline model relies on the contour global determination according to a maximum likelihood framework and using the observed data likelihood. This procedure guarantees that the noisiest data will be filtered out. The data likelihood is computed as a consequence of the observation model which includes both orientation and position information. Comparative experiments of this algorithm and the classical spline interpolation have shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms the classical approach for Gaussian and Salt & Pepper noise." researchr: "" cites: 22 citedby: 1 pages: "1-5" booktitle: "Multimedia Signal Processing, 2009. MMSP'09. IEEE International Workshop on" kind: "inproceedings" key: "estrela2009sub" - title: "Error concealment by means of motion refinement and regularized bregman divergence" author: - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Felipe Pereira do Carmo" link: "" - name: "Sandro Roberto Fernandes" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Sandro Roberto Fernandes" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Sandro Roberto Fernandes" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "2012" doi: "10.1007/978-3-642-32639-4_78" abstract: "This work addresses the problem of error concealment in video transmission systems over noisy channels employing Bregman divergences along with regularization. Error concealment intends to improve the effects of disturbances at the reception due to bit-errors or cell loss in packet networks. Bregman regularization gives accurate answers after just some iterations with fast convergence, better accuracy and stability. This technique has an adaptive nature: the regularization functional is updated according to Bregman functions that change from iteration to iteration according to the nature of the neighborhood under study at iteration n. Numerical experiments show that high-quality regularization parameter estimates can be obtained. The convergence is sped up while turning the regularization parameter estimation less empiric, and more automatic." links: technicalreport: "" "url": "\\_78" tags: - "empirical" - "optical flow" - "regularization" - "refinement" - "monitoring" - "clustering" - "Inverse problems" - "image processing" - "Computer vision" - "Motion estimation" - "surveillance" - " motion detection" - "Error concealment" - "Bregman distance" researchr: "" cites: 16 citedby: 4 pages: "650-657" booktitle: "Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning" kind: "inproceedings" key: "citeulike:11098377" - title: "PENSAMENTO NUMERICO VALORIZANDO O SABER" author: - name: "Maria Raquel dos Anjos" link: "" - name: "Mikhail Vishnevskii" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Mikhail Vichnevski" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "2004" month: "July" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 booktitle: "Anais da 56a Reuniao Anual da SBPC - Cuiaba, MT - Julho/2004" kind: "inproceedings" key: "dos2004pensamento" - title: "Error concealment by means of motion refinement and regularized bregman divergence" author: - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Felipe Pereira do Carmo" link: "" - name: "Sandro Roberto Fernandes" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Sandro Roberto Fernandes" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Sandro Roberto Fernandes" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Alessandra Martins Coelho" link: "" - name: "Vânia Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vânia Vieira Estrela" link: "" - name: "Vania Vieira Estrela" link: "" year: "2012" abstract: "This work addresses the problem of error concealment in video transmission systems over noisy channels employing Bregman divergences along with regularization. Error concealment intends to improve the effects of disturbances at the reception due to bit-errors or cell loss in packet networks. Bregman regularization gives accurate answers after just some iterations with fast convergence, better accuracy and stability. This technique has an adaptive nature: the regularization functional is updated according to Bregman functions that change from iteration to iteration according to the nature of the neighborhood under study at iteration n. Numerical experiments show that high-quality regularization parameter estimates can be obtained. The convergence is sped up while turning the regularization parameter estimation less empiric, and more automatic." links: published: "" researchr: "" cites: 0 citedby: 0 type: "Preprint" kind: "techreport" key: "preprint-citeulike:11098377"