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journals Index 'C' (156)

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caaitritCAAI Trans. Intell. Technol.
cacieComp.-Aided Civil and Infrastruct. Engineering
CACMCommunications of the ACM
cadComputer-Aided Design
caeaiComput. Educ. Artif. Intell.
caeeComp. Applic. in Engineering Education
cagdComputer Aided Geometric Design
caiComputers and Artificial Intelligence
calComputer Architecture Letters
camComput. Appl. Math.
CANDCComputers & Chemistry
candieComputers & Industrial Engineering
carsInt. J. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
casCybernetics and Systems
casaEAI Endorsed Trans. Context-aware Syst. & Appl.
cbmComp. in Bio. and Med.
cbrmdTran. CBR
cbsnCyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking
ccComputational Complexity
ccaACM Comm. Computer Algebra
ccdsCryptography and Communications
cceComputers & Chemical Engineering
ccfthpcCCF Trans. High Perform. Comput.
ccftonCCF Trans. Netw.
ccftpciCCF Trans. Pervasive Comput. Interact.
ccrComputer Communication Review
ccsCogn. Comput. Syst.
ccsecisComputer and Information Science
cdmContributions to Discrete Mathematics
ceComputers & Education
ceaComputers and Electronics in Agriculture
ceeComputers & Electrical Engineering
cejcsCentral Europ. J. Computer Science
cemIEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
ceraConcurrent Engineering: R&A
cexrComput. Educ. X Real.
cgComputers & Graphics
cgaIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
cgfComput. Graph. Forum
cgjThe Computer Games Journal
cgtComput. Geom. Topol.
cgxComput. Graph. X
chbComputers in Human Behavior
chinafScience in China Series F: Information Sciences
chkCybernetics and Human Knowing
ciComputational Intelligence
cibIEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin
cicIACR Commun. Cryptol.
cieComputers in Entertainment
ciiComputers in Industry
cimIEEE Comp. Int. Mag.
cinComp. Int. and Neurosc.
cisControl and Intelligent Systems
cjComput. J.
cjtcsChicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci.
Comp. Lang., Syst. \& Struct.Computer Languages, Systems \& Structures
classificationJ. Classification
cleiejCLEI Electron. J.
cloudcompIEEE Cloud Computing
clsrComput. Law Secur. Rev.
clusterCluster Computing
cmIEEE Communications Magazine
cmaComputers & Mathematics with Applications
cmamComput. Meth. in Appl. Math.
cmbbeivCMBBE: Imaging & Visualization
cmgtCMG Transactions
cmigComp. Med. Imag. and Graph.
cmmComput. Math. Methods
cmmmComp. Math. Methods in Medicine
cmotComputational & Mathematical Organization Theory
cmpbComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
cmsComput. Manag. Science
cnComputer Networks
cnsnsCommun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.
coapComp. Opt. and Appl.
cogcomCognitive Computation
cogsciCognitive Science
cogsrCognitive Systems Research
colingComputational Linguistics
combinatoricsElectr. J. Comb.
combtheoryComb. Theory
comcomComputer Communications
comgeoComput. Geom.
cominfsysCommun. Inf. Syst.
comjComputer Music Journal
commresCommunication Research
comnetCommunications and Network
compnetJ. Complex Networks
compsecComputers & Security
compsysComplex Systems