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caaitrit | CAAI Trans. Intell. Technol. |
cacie | Comp.-Aided Civil and Infrastruct. Engineering |
CACM | Communications of the ACM |
cad | Computer-Aided Design |
caeai | Comput. Educ. Artif. Intell. |
caee | Comp. Applic. in Engineering Education |
cagd | Computer Aided Geometric Design |
cai | Computers and Artificial Intelligence |
cais | CAIS |
cal | Computer Architecture Letters |
cam | Comput. Appl. Math. |
CANDC | Computers & Chemistry |
candie | Computers & Industrial Engineering |
cars | Int. J. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery |
cartographica | Cartographica |
cas | Cybernetics and Systems |
casa | EAI Endorsed Trans. Context-aware Syst. & Appl. |
casm | CASM |
cbm | Comp. in Bio. and Med. |
cbrmd | Tran. CBR |
cbsn | Cyberpsy., Behavior, and Soc. Networking |
cc | Computational Complexity |
cca | ACM Comm. Computer Algebra |
ccds | Cryptography and Communications |
cce | Computers & Chemical Engineering |
ccfthpc | CCF Trans. High Perform. Comput. |
ccfton | CCF Trans. Netw. |
ccftpci | CCF Trans. Pervasive Comput. Interact. |
ccr | Computer Communication Review |
ccs | Cogn. Comput. Syst. |
ccsecis | Computer and Information Science |
cdm | Contributions to Discrete Mathematics |
ce | Computers & Education |
cea | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
cee | Computers & Electrical Engineering |
cejcs | Central Europ. J. Computer Science |
cejor | CEJOR |
cem | IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine |
cera | Concurrent Engineering: R&A |
cexr | Comput. Educ. X Real. |
cg | Computers & Graphics |
cga | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications |
cgf | Comput. Graph. Forum |
cgj | The Computer Games Journal |
cgt | Comput. Geom. Topol. |
cgx | Comput. Graph. X |
chb | Computers in Human Behavior |
chinaf | Science in China Series F: Information Sciences |
chk | Cybernetics and Human Knowing |
ci | Computational Intelligence |
cib | IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin |
cic | IACR Commun. Cryptol. |
cie | Computers in Entertainment |
cii | Computers in Industry |
cim | IEEE Comp. Int. Mag. |
cin | Comp. Int. and Neurosc. |
cis | Control and Intelligent Systems |
cit | CIT |
cj | Comput. J. |
cjtcs | Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci. |
Comp. Lang., Syst. \& Struct. | Computer Languages, Systems \& Structures |
classification | J. Classification |
cleiej | CLEI Electron. J. |
cloudcomp | IEEE Cloud Computing |
clsr | Comput. Law Secur. Rev. |
cluster | Cluster Computing |
cm | IEEE Communications Magazine |
cma | Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
cmam | Comput. Meth. in Appl. Math. |
cmbbeiv | CMBBE: Imaging & Visualization |
cmgt | CMG Transactions |
cmig | Comp. Med. Imag. and Graph. |
cmm | Comput. Math. Methods |
cmmm | Comp. Math. Methods in Medicine |
cmot | Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory |
cmpb | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine |
cms | Comput. Manag. Science |
cn | Computer Networks |
cnsns | Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. |
coap | Comp. Opt. and Appl. |
cogcom | Cognitive Computation |
cogsci | Cognitive Science |
cogsr | Cognitive Systems Research |
coling | Computational Linguistics |
combinatorica | Combinatorica |
combinatorics | Electr. J. Comb. |
combtheory | Comb. Theory |
comcom | Computer Communications |
comgeo | Comput. Geom. |
cominfsys | Commun. Inf. Syst. |
comj | Computer Music Journal |
commres | Communication Research |
comnet | Communications and Network |
complexity | Complexity |
compnet | J. Complex Networks |
compositionality | Compositionality |
compsec | Computers & Security |
compsys | Complex Systems |
computability | Computability |
computation | Computation |