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Explore journals > M
ma | J. Multivariate Analysis |
mags | Multiagent and Grid Systems |
make | Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction |
mala | Markup Languages |
mam | Microprocessors and Microsystems |
mansci | Management Science |
maple | Maple Trans. |
masa | MASA |
mathm | Math. Morphol. Theory Appl. |
mbec | Med. Biol. Engineering and Computing |
mca | ICST Trans. Mobile Communications Applications |
mcfns | MCFNS |
mcm | Mathematical and Computer Modelling |
mcma | Monte Carlo Meth. and Appl. |
mcs | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
mcss | MCSS |
mda | T. Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals |
mdpinetwork | Network |
memetic | Memetic Computing |
mfc | Math. Found. Comput. |
mia | Medical Image Analysis |
micro | IEEE Micro |
micromachines | Micromachines |
mics | Mathematics in Computer Science |
midm | BMC Med. Inf. & Decision Making |
mima | Minds and Machines |
mis | Mobile Information Systems |
misq | MIS Quarterly |
misqe | MIS Quarterly Executive |
mj | Microelectronics Journal |
mktsci | Marketing Science |
ml | Machine Learning |
mlc | Int. J. Machine Learning & Cybernetics |
mlcs | Meth. of Logic in CS |
mldm | Trans. MLDM |
mlq | Math. Log. Q. |
mlst | Mach. Learn. Sci. Technol. |
mma | Math. Model. Anal. |
mmas | Multiscale Modeling & Simulation |
mmi | MMI Interaktiv |
mmor | Math. Meth. of OR |
mms | Multimedia Syst. |
moc | Math. Comput. |
modulad | Modulad |
monet | MONET |
mor | Math. Oper. Res. |
mp | Math. Program. |
mpc | Math. Program. Comput. |
mr | Microelectronics Reliability |
mscs | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science |
msom | Manufacturing & Service Operations Management |
mss | Mathematical Social Sciences |
mssp | Multidim. Syst. Sign. Process. |
mst | Theory Comput. Syst. |
mt | Machine Translation |
mta | Multimedia Tools Appl. |
mtcl | Mech. Translat. & Comp. Linguistics |
mti | Multimodal Technol. Interact. |
mva | Mach. Vis. Appl. |
mvl | Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing |