Journal: Cognitive Processing

Volume 17, Issue 4

337 -- 355Michele Miozzo, Bruno Laeng. Why Saturday could be both green and red in synesthesia
357 -- 375Zhongqing Jiang, Yuhong Qu, Yanli Xiao, Qi Wu, Likun Xia, Wenhui Li, Ying Liu. Comparison of affective and semantic priming in different SOA
377 -- 387Heiko C. Bergmann, Sander M. Daselaar, Guillén Fernández, Roy P. C. Kessels. Neural substrates of successful working memory and long-term memory formation in a relational spatial memory task
389 -- 397Hirokazu Doi, Kazuyuki Shinohara. Emotional faces influence numerosity estimation without awareness
399 -- 413Kyung-il Kim, Arthur B. Markman, Tae Hoon Kim. The influence of the number of relevant causes on the processing of covariation information in causal reasoning
415 -- 428Tim Rach, Alexandra Kirsch. Modelling human problem solving with data from an online game
429 -- 442Maja Rogic, Ana Jerkovic, Tomislav Juric, Igor Vujovic, Josko Soda, Nikola Erceg, Andreja Bubic, Marina Zmajevic Schönwald, Pantelis Lioumis, Dragan Gabelica, Zoran Dogas. Neurophysiologic markers of primary motor cortex for laryngeal muscles and premotor cortex in caudal opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus investigated in motor speech disorder: a navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study
443 -- 449O. Picazo, J. Espinosa-Raya, A. Briones-Aranda, M. Cerbón. Ovariectomy increases the age-induced hyperphosphorylation of Tau at hippocampal CA1

Volume 17, Issue 3

225 -- 241Amandine Van Rinsveld, Christine Schiltz, Karin Landerl, Martin Brunner, Sonja Ugen. Speaking two languages with different number naming systems: What implications for magnitude judgments in bilinguals at different stages of language acquisition?
243 -- 258Tanja Dackermann, Ursula Fischer, Stefan Huber, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Korbinian Moeller. Training the equidistant principle of number line spacing
259 -- 268Yu-Ling Shih, Chia-Yen Lin. The relationship between action anticipation and emotion recognition in athletes of open skill sports
269 -- 277Wim T. J. L. Pouw, Myrto-Foteini Mavilidi, Tamara van Gog, Fred Paas. Gesturing during mental problem solving reduces eye movements, especially for individuals with lower visual working memory capacity
279 -- 305Michael W. Spratling. Predictive coding as a model of cognition
307 -- 319Jim Davies, Kourken Michaelian. Identifying and individuating cognitive systems: a task-based distributed cognition alternative to agent-based extended cognition
321 -- 328Daniela Conti, Santo Di Nuovo, Angelo Cangelosi, Alessandro G. Di Nuovo. Lateral specialization in unilateral spatial neglect: a cognitive robotics model
329 -- 335Michal Bialek, Sylvia Terbeck. Can cognitive psychological research on reasoning enhance the discussion around moral judgments?

Volume 17, Issue 2

127 -- 137Katarzyna Patro, Samuel Shaki. SNARC for numerosities is modulated by comparative instruction (and resembles some non-numerical effects)
139 -- 146Sharlene D. Newman. Does finger sense predict addition performance?
147 -- 154Belinda Pletzer, Korbinian Moeller, Andrea Scheuringer, Frank Domahs, Hubert H. Kerschbaum, Hans-Christoph Nuerk. Behavioural evidence for sex differences in the overlap between subtraction and multiplication
155 -- 162Wythe L. Whiting, Karla Klein Murdock. Emerging adults' sleep patterns and attentional capture: the pivotal role of consistency
163 -- 174Ferenc Kemény, Ágnes Lukács. Sleep-independent off-line enhancement and time of the day effects in three forms of skill learning
175 -- 184Xu Xu, Chunyan Kang, Taomei Guo. Imageability and semantic association in the representation and processing of event verbs
185 -- 194Jazmín Cevasco, Paul van den Broek. The effect of filled pauses on the processing of the surface form and the establishment of causal connections during the comprehension of spoken expository discourse
195 -- 203Irini Giannopulu, Valérie Montreynaud, Tomio Watanabe. Minimalistic toy robot to analyze a scenery of speaker-listener condition in autism
205 -- 211Neil R. Harrison, Rob Woodhouse. Modulation of auditory spatial attention by visual emotional cues: differential effects of attentional engagement and disengagement for pleasant and unpleasant cues
213 -- 223Insa Feinkohl, Danny Flemming, Ulrike Cress, Joachim Kimmerle. The impact of epistemological beliefs and cognitive ability on recall and critical evaluation of scientific information

Volume 17, Issue 1

1 -- 13Chris Fields. Visual re-identification of individual objects: a core problem for organisms and AI
15 -- 25A. Ortiz-Pérez, J. Espinosa-Raya, O. Picazo. An enriched environment and 17-beta estradiol produce similar pro-cognitive effects on ovariectomized rats
27 -- 37Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts, Tarja Kallio-Tamminen. Long-term meditation training induced changes in the operational synchrony of default mode network modules during a resting state
39 -- 48Uttam Kumar. Neural dichotomy of word concreteness: a view from functional neuroimaging
49 -- 57Caterina Artuso, Paola Palladino. Modulation of working memory updating: Does long-term memory lexical association matter?
59 -- 65Kentaro Yamamoto, Kyoshiro Sasaki, Katsumi Watanabe. The number-time interaction depends on relative magnitude in the suprasecond range
67 -- 77Firat Soylu, Sharlene D. Newman. Anatomically ordered tapping interferes more with one-digit addition than two-digit addition: a dual-task fMRI study
79 -- 87Jessica Slater, Nina Kraus. The role of rhythm in perceiving speech in noise: a comparison of percussionists, vocalists and non-musicians
89 -- 103Rotem Leshem. Relationships between trait impulsivity and cognitive control: the effect of attention switching on response inhibition and conflict resolution
105 -- 114Andrea L. Wantz, Corinna S. Martarelli, Fred W. Mast. When looking back to nothing goes back to nothing
115 -- 122Anna-Malika Camblats, Stéphanie Mathey. The effect of orthographic and emotional neighbourhood in a colour categorization task
123 -- 125. Acknowledgment to our Reviewers