Journal: Cognitive Processing

Volume 5, Issue 4

199 -- 217J. G. Taylor. A review of brain-based neuro-cognitive models
218 -- 227Patrick Péruch, Paul N. Wilson. Active versus passive learning and testing in a complex outside built environment
228 -- 231André Aleman, Mascha van't Wout. Subvocalization in auditory-verbal imagery: just a form of motor imagery?
232 -- 238Giulio E. Lancioni, Mark F. O'Reilly, Nirbhay N. Singh, Jeff Sigafoos, Doretta Oliva, Simona Baccani, Andrea Bosco, Fabrizio Stasolla. Technological aids to promote basic developmental achievements by children with multiple disabilities: evaluation of two cases
239 -- 248Thomas Lachmann, Cees van Leeuwen. Negative congruence effects in letter and pseudo-letter recognition: the role of similarity and response conflict
249 -- 253Cho Moon-Hwan. Rhythm typology of Korean speech
254 -- 256Colline Poirier, Olivier Collignon, C. Scheiber, Anne G. De Volder. Auditory motion processing in early blind subjects

Volume 5, Issue 3

137 -- 139Thomas Hünefeldt, Riccardo Brunetti. Artificial intelligence as "theoretical psychology": Christopher Longuet-Higgins' contribution to cognitive science
140 -- 151Charles E. Schroeder, Sophie Molhom, Peter Lakatos, Walter Ritter, John J. Foxe. Human-simian correspondence in the early cortical processing of multisensory cues
152 -- 158Friedhelm Hummel, Christian Gerloff, Leonardo G. Cohen. Cross-modal plasticity and deafferentation
159 -- 166Marie Avillac, Etienne Olivier, Sophie Denève, Suliann Ben Hamed, Jean-René Duhamel. Multisensory integration in multiple reference frames in the posterior parietal cortex
167 -- 174Marta Olivetti Belardinelli, Carlo Sestieri, Rosalia Di Matteo, Franco Delogu, Cosimo Del Gratta, Antonio Ferretti, Massimo Caulo, Armando Tartaro, Gian Luca Romani. Audio-visual crossmodal interactions in environmental perception: an fMRI investigation
175 -- 188Holly A. Taylor, David N. Rapp. Where is the donut? Factors influencing spatial reference frame use
189 -- 192Julien Besle, Alexandra Fort, Marie-Hélène Giard. Interest and validity of the additive model in electrophysiological studies of multisensory interactions
193 -- 196Kent L. Norman. Laboratory for automation psychology and decision processes

Volume 5, Issue 2

69 -- 83Mark T. Wallace. The development of multisensory processes
84 -- 93Thomas Thesen, Jonas F. Vibell, Gemma A. Calvert, Robert A. Österbauer. Neuroimaging of multisensory processing in vision, audition, touch, and olfaction
94 -- 105Nicholas P. Holmes, Charles Spence. The body schema and multisensory representation(s) of peripersonal space
106 -- 112Steven K. Vaux, Dominic W. Massaro. Audiovisual speech gating: examining information and information processing
113 -- 122David J. Lewkowicz. Serial order processing in human infants and the role of multisensory redundancy
123 -- 129Orazio Miglino, Franco Rubinacci, Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund. Using artificial life to teach evolutionary biology
130 -- 133Giuliana Lucci. Electrocortical aspects related to space processing preceding voluntary movements

Volume 5, Issue 1

1 -- 2Marta Olivetti Belardinelli. Cognitive Processing
3 -- 9Geoffrey Edwards, Gérard Ligozat. A formal model for structuring local perceptions of environmental space
10 -- 14Igor Aleksander. Emergence from brain architectures: a new cognitive science?
15 -- 30Matthias Rehm. Being seaward-handed: a computational model of the acquisition of language-specific spatial references
31 -- 44Jörg Ontrup, Heiko Wersing, Helge J. Ritter. A computational feature binding model of human texture perception
45 -- 53Raffaella Nori, Tina Iachini, Fiorella Giusberti. Object localisation and frames of reference
54 -- 56Alberto Oliverio. Studying memory and learning at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and at the National Research Council
57 -- 62Bruno Laeng, Tim Brennen, Tove Dahl, Torstein Låg, Terje Sagvolden, Frode Svartdal, Line Saether, Susanne Wiking, Morten Øvervoll. The northernmost Cognitive Science Laboratory