Journal: Combinatorics, Probability & Computing

Volume 23, Issue 4

477 -- 504Louigi Addario-Berry, Svante Janson, Colin McDiarmid. On the Spread of Random Graphs
505 -- 538Shankar Bhamidi, Amarjit Budhiraja, Xuan Wang. Bounded-Size Rules: The Barely Subcritical Regime
539 -- 550Jeff Cooper, Kunal Dutta, Dhruv Mubayi. Counting Independent Sets in Hypergraphs
551 -- 570Louis Esperet, Gwenaƫl Joret. Colouring Planar Graphs With Three Colours and No Large Monochromatic Components
571 -- 584Agelos Georgakopoulos, Peter Winkler. New Bounds for Edge-Cover by Random Walk
585 -- 606Ravi Montenegro. Intersection Conductance and Canonical Alternating Paths: Methods for General Finite Markov Chains
607 -- 630Jozef Skokan, Maya Jakobine Stein. Cycles Are Strongly Ramsey-Unsaturated