Journal: Computer Science Education

Volume 1, Issue 4

281 -- 292Alan W. Biermann. A Simple Methodology for Studying Program Time Complexity
293 -- 298Judith L. Gersting. The Other Two Rs in the Discrete Mathematics Course
299 -- 315Cathleen A. Norris, James L. Poirot, Gerald Knezek. Classroom Attrition in Computer Science
317 -- 329Patrick Costello. Analysis of a Recursive Algorithm for Computing Binomial Coefficients
331 -- 346Raja R. A. Issa, Robert L. Lorentz. Changes in Attitude/Anxiety of Educators Towards Computers
347 -- 354David A. Scanlan. Variables and Cognitive Factors Predicting Intermediate-Level Programming Success: A Preliminary Study
355 -- 367Regina Baron Brunner. Intellectual Property Rights in Computer Education: Legal, Societal, and Ethical Issues
369 -- 374John W. Hamblen. Teaching Note
375 -- 386George Struble. Most Effective Lab Exercises

Volume 1, Issue 3

181 -- 203Benjamin D. Haytock, Zaven A. Karian, Stanley E. Seltzer. Teaching Computer Science Within Mathematics Departments
205 -- 221Jeff Parker, Robert D. Cupper, Charles Kelemen, Dick Molnar, Greg W. Scragg. Laboratories in the Computer Science Curriculum
223 -- 236Frank A. Cioch. Teaching Software Design Using Both Functional and Object-Oriented Decomposition
237 -- 251Larry Hughes. Teaching Data Communications to Computer Science Students
253 -- 268Deborah Hix. Teaching a Course in Human-Computer Interaction
269 -- 272Norman Pendegraft, William Watson. Systems Analysis, Interviewing, and the Improv
273 -- 275George Struble. Most Effective Lab Exercises
277 -- 280John D. McGregor. Book Review

Volume 1, Issue 2

93 -- 98John W. Hamblen. Computer Manpower: Through 1984-1985
99 -- 110John T. Gorgone, John D. McGregor. Computing Sciences Accreditation: A Cooperative Effort in CIS
111 -- 128Jim E. Greer. A Comparison of Instructional Treatments for Introducing Recursion
129 -- 143Laura Marie Leventhal, David W. Chilson. Beyond Just a Job: Expectations of Computer Science Students
145 -- 152Peter Kugel. Improving Learning Without Improving Teaching
153 -- 176Jerud J. Mead. VMOE: A Virtual Machine Operating Environment for the Computer Systems Curriculum
177 -- 180George Struble. Most Effective Lab Exercises

Volume 1, Issue 1

1 -- 10Keith Barker, David L. Soldan, Gordon E. Stokes. Laboratory Experiences in Computer Science and Engineering
11 -- 35Robert L. Scot Drysdale, Henry F. Korth, Allen B. Tucker. Computer Science in Liberal Arts Colleges
37 -- 52Keith Miller. Integrating Computer Ethics into the Computer Science Curriculum
53 -- 62Gail Miles. One Approach for Teaching Software Engineering Across the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum
63 -- 72Gayle J. Yaverbaum, John T. Nosek, Robert M. Nicotera. A Normative Approach to Computer Education: University and Government Cooperate in an Effort to Develop Curriculum
73 -- 84Charles P. Howerton. The Impact of Pre-College Computer Exposure on Student Achievement in Introductory Computer Programming Courses
85 -- 87George Struble. Most Effective Lab Exercises
89 -- 91John McGregor. Book ReviewElliott Soloway and Sitharama Iyengar. Empirical Studies of Programming