Journal: Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing

Volume 37, Issue 3

331 -- 344Xiaolin Wu, Jon G. Rokne. Double-step incremental generation of lines and circles
345 -- 361Jezekiel Ben-Arie, A. Zvi Meiri. 3D objects recognition by optimal matching search of multinary relations graphs
362 -- 385Michael Kass, Andrew P. Witkin. Analyzing oriented patterns
386 -- 401Lawrence O Gorman, Arthur C. Sanderson. A comparison of methods and computation for multi-resolution low- and band-pass transforms for image processing
402 -- 419Clifford A. Shaffer, Hanan Samet. Optimal quadtree construction algorithms
420 -- 427L. Brevdo, Samuel Sideman, Rafael Beyar. A simple approach to the problem of 3-D reconstruction
428 -- 437K. Kishimoto, K. Onaga, E. Nakamae. Theoretical assessments of mean square errors of antialiasing filters