Journal: Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science

Volume 9, Issue 2

0 -- 0Julien Bernat. Computation of L+ for Several Cubic Pisot Numbers
0 -- 0Marcella Anselmo, Alessandra Cherubini, Pierluigi San Pietro. Regular Languages and Associative Language Descriptions
0 -- 0Srecko Brlek, Guy Melançon, Geneviève Paquin. Properties of the Extremal Infinite Smooth Words
0 -- 0Thomas Brihaye. Words and Bisimulations of Dynamical Systems
0 -- 0François Descouens. A Generating Algorithm for Ribbon Tableaux and Spin Polynomials
0 -- 0Petra Kocábová, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová. Ambiguity in the m-Bonacci Numeration System
0 -- 0Benoit Cagnard, Pierre Simonnet. Baire and Automata
0 -- 0Patrice Séébold. Tag-systems for the Hilbert Curve
0 -- 0Jean-Pierre Borel. A Geometrical Approach to Palindromic Factors of Standard Billiard Words
0 -- 0Jean-Gabriel Luque, Jean-Yves Thibon. Noncommutative Symmetric Functions Associated with a Code, Lazard Elimination, and Witt Vectors
0 -- 0Petr Ambroz, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová. Addition and Multiplication of Beta-Expansions in Generalized Tribonacci Base
0 -- 0Gwénaël Richomme. On Morphisms Preserving Infinite Lyndon Words
0 -- 0Vincent Vajnovszki. Gray Code Order for Lyndon Words
0 -- 0Avraham Trahtman. The Cernú Conjecture for Aperiodic Automata
0 -- 0Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová. Infinite Special Branches in Words Associated with Beta-Expansions
0 -- 0Michel Rigo, Véronique Bruyère. Foreword to the Special Issue Dedicated to the 10th Journées Montoises d Informatique Théorique
0 -- 0Fabio Burderi, Antonio Restivo. Coding Partitions
0 -- 0Olivier Bodini, Damien Jamet. Tiling a Pyramidal Polycube with Dominoes