Journal: Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing

Volume 17, Issue 4

291 -- 416Nir Shlezinger, Yonina C. Eldar. Model-Based Deep Learning

Volume 17, Issue 3

209 -- 290Xingchao Jian, Feng Ji, Wee-Peng Tay. Generalizing Graph Signal Processing: High Dimensional Spaces, Models and Structures

Volume 17, Issue 2

79 -- 208Lisha Chen, Sharu Theresa Jose, Ivana Nikoloska, Sangwoo Park, Tianyi Chen, Osvaldo Simeone. Learning with Limited Samples: Meta-Learning and Applications to Communication Systems

Volume 17, Issue 1

1 -- 78Bennet E. Meyers, Stephen P. Boyd. Signal Decomposition Using Masked Proximal Operators