Journal: Graphs and Combinatorics

Volume 16, Issue 4

373 -- 380Eric Babson, Julian West. The Permutations 123 ::::p:::: ::4::... ::::p:::: :: ::::m:::: :: and 321 ::::p:::: ::4::... ::::p:::: :: ::::m:::: :: are Wilf-Equivalent
381 -- 387Andreas Brandstädt, Van Bang Le, Stephan Olariu. Efficiently Recognizing the ::::P:::: ::4::-Structure of Trees and of Bipartite Graphs Without Short Cycles
389 -- 398Emanuela Fachini, János Körner. Colour Number, Capacity, and Perfectness of Directed Graphs
399 -- 410Ralph J. Faudree, Evelyne Flandrin, Michael S. Jacobson, Jeno Lehel, Richard H. Schelp. Even Cycles in Graphs with Many Odd Cycles
411 -- 427Xiaoyun Lu, Da-Wei Wang, Jiaofeng Pan, C. K. Wong. Rooted Spanning Trees in Tournaments
429 -- 439Sean McGuinness. Colouring Arcwise Connected Sets in the Plane I
441 -- 452Dhruv Mubayi, Douglas B. West. On the Number of Vertices with Specified Eccentricity
453 -- 462Hong Wang. Independent Directed Triangles in a Directed Graph
463 -- 465Boris Zgrablic. A Note on Adjacency-Transitivity of a Graph and Its Complement
467 -- 495Limin Zhang. Every Planar Graph with Maximum Degree 7 Is of Class 1

Volume 16, Issue 3

257 -- 267John L. Goldwasser, Cun-Quan Zhang. Uniquely Edge-3-Colorable Graphs and Snarks
269 -- 273Kazuhide Hirohata. On the Existence of a Long Path Between Specified Vertices in a 2-Connected Graph
275 -- 284D. Frank Hsu, Xiao-Dong Hu, Guo-Hui Lin. On Minimum-Weight k-Edge Connected Steiner Networks on Metric Spaces
285 -- 318Manoel Lemos, James G. Oxley, Talmage James Reid. On the 3-Connected Matroids That are Minimal Having a Fixed Restriction
319 -- 335Hao Li. On Cycles in 3-Connected Graphs
337 -- 354Talmage James Reid, Haidong Wu. On Non-Essential Edges in 3-Connected Graphs
355 -- 358Romeo Rizzi. A Note on Range-Restricted Circuit Covers
359 -- 366Hong Wang. Large Vertex-Disjoint Cycles in a Bipartite Graph
367 -- 372Jianliang Wu. The Linear Arboricity of Series-Parallel Graphs

Volume 16, Issue 2

129 -- 137Sarmad Abbasi. How Tight Is the Bollobás-Komlós Conjecture?
139 -- 147Arie Bialostocki, Daniel Schaal. On a Variation of Schur Numbers
149 -- 157Stephan Brandt, Gunnar Brinkmann, Thomas Harmuth. The Generation of Maximal Triangle-Free Graphs
159 -- 164Yuangqiu Huang. The Maximum Genus on a 3-Vertex-Connected Graph
165 -- 176Hong-Jian Lai. Group Connectivity of 3-Edge-Connected Chordal Graphs
177 -- 198MingChu Li. Longest Cycles in Almost Claw-Free Graphs
199 -- 229James G. Oxley, Haidong Wu. Matroids and Graphs with Few Non-Essential Elements
231 -- 244Hunter S. Snevily, James A. Foster. The 2-Pebbling Property and a Conjecture of Graham s
245 -- 256Zhongde Yan, Yue Zhao. Edge Colorings of Embedded Graphs

Volume 16, Issue 1

1 -- 16Tetsuya Abe, Bumpei Nakano. Lower Semimodular Types of Lattices: Frankl s Conjecture Holds for Lower Quasi-Semimodular Lattices
17 -- 48Hajo Broersma, Zdenek Ryjácek, Ingo Schiermeyer. Closure Concepts: A Survey
49 -- 65Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Elizabeth J. Billington. Decompositions of Complete Multipartite Graphs into Cycles of Even Length
67 -- 80Guantao Chen, Ralph J. Faudree, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson, Linda M. Lesniak. Cycles in 2-Factors of Balanced Bipartite Graphs
81 -- 92Yoshimi Egawa, Ralph J. Faudree, Ervin Györi, Yoshiyasu Ishigami, Richard H. Schelp, Hong Wang 0022. Vertex-Disjoint Cycles Containing Specified Edges
93 -- 102Hans-Dietrich O. F. Gronau, Ronald C. Mullin, A. Rosa, Paul J. Schellenberg. Symmetric Graph Designs
103 -- 113Antoni Marczyk. On Hamiltonian Powers of Digraphs
115 -- 116Jürgen Reinhold. Frankl s Conjecture Is True for Lower Semimodular Lattices
117 -- 126G. Y. Yan, J. F. Pan, C. K. Wong, Taro Tokuda. Decomposition of Graphs into (g, f)-Factors