Journal: Int. J. Approx. Reasoning

Volume 12, Issue 3-4

157 -- 158Alessandro Zorat. Guest editor s page
159 -- 219László T. Kóczy. Algorithmic aspects of fuzzy control
221 -- 236Janusz Kacprzyk, Mario Fedrizzi. Developing a fuzzy logic controller in case of sparse testimonies
237 -- 261Ronald R. Yager. An approach to ordinal decision making
263 -- 277Vilém Novák. Linguistically oriented fuzzy logic control and its design
279 -- 298Saman K. Halgamuge, Werner Poechmueller, Manfred Glesner. An alternative approach for generation of membership functions and fuzzy rules based on radial and cubic basis function networks
299 -- 315Francisco Herrera, Manuel Lozano, José L. Verdegay. Tuning fuzzy logic controllers by genetic algorithms
317 -- 339Gloria Bordogna, Gabriella Pasi. Controlling retrieval through a user-adaptive representation of documents

Volume 12, Issue 2

69 -- 84János C. Fodor, Tibor Keresztfalvi. Nonstandard conjunctions and implications in fuzzy logic
85 -- 109Bernhard Hollunder. An alternative proof method for possibilistic logic and its application to terminological logics
111 -- 131Moninder Singh, Marco Valtorta. Construction of Bayesian network structures from data: A brief survey and an efficient algorithm
133 -- 156Ian Maung. Two characterizations of a minimum-information principle for possibilistic reasoning

Volume 12, Issue 1

1 -- 19Petr Hájek, Dagmar Harmancová, Rineke Verbrugge. A qualitative fuzzy possibilistic logic
21 -- 41R. G. McLean, Alan Bundy, Weiru Liu. Assignment methods for incidence calculus
43 -- 68Milan Studený. Conditional independence and natural conditional functions