Journal: Int. J. Approx. Reasoning

Volume 8, Issue 4

253 -- 280José E. Cano, Miguel Delgado, Serafín Moral. An axiomatic framework for propagating uncertainty in directed acyclic networks
281 -- 324Solomon Eyal Shimony. The role of relevance in explanation I: Irrelevance as statistical independence
325 -- 344Vincenzo Cutello, Javier Montero. A characterization of rational amalgamation operations

Volume 8, Issue 3

163 -- 203Soumitra Dutta, Piero P. Bonissone. Integrating case- and rule-based reasoning
205 -- 230Zhi An, David A. Bell, John G. Hughes. REL - a logic for relative evidential support
231 -- 251Zhi An, David A. Bell, John G. Hughes. Relation-based evidential reasoning

Volume 8, Issue 2

89 -- 104Hung T. Nguyen, Philippe Smets. On dynamics of cautious belief and conditional objects
105 -- 121Karvel K. Thornber. A key to fuzzy-logic inference
123 -- 140Hideo Tanaka, Hisao Ishibuchi. Evidence theory of exponential possibility distributions
141 -- 162André de Korvin, Robert M. Kleyle, R. Lea. The object recognition problem when features fail to be homogeneous

Volume 8, Issue 1

1 -- 16Nikhil R. Pal, James C. Bezdek, Rohan Hemasinha. Uncertainty measures for evidential reasoning II: A new measure of total uncertainty
17 -- 50Bon K. Sy. A recurrence local computation approach towards ordering composite beliefs in bayesian belief networks
51 -- 87Jan Treur. Heuristic reasoning and relative incompleteness