Journal: IJMHCI

Volume 3, Issue 4

1 -- 17Donald McMillan, Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers. A Comparison of Distribution Channels for Large-Scale Deployments of iOS Applications
18 -- 35Robert Schleicher, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Michael Rohs, Sven G. Kratz, Albrecht Schmidt. WorldCupinion Experiences with an Android App for Real-Time Opinion Sharing During Soccer World Cup Games
36 -- 54Alistair Morrison, Matthew Chalmers. SGVis: Analysis of Data From
55 -- 70Paul Coulton, William Bamford. Experimenting Through Mobile 'Apps' and 'App Stores'
71 -- 91Niels Henze, Martin Pielot, Benjamin Poppinga, Torben Schinke, Susanne Boll. My App is an Experiment: Experience from User Studies in Mobile App Stores