Journal: IS Management

Volume 36, Issue 3

193 -- 0Janice C. Sipior. From the Editor
194 -- 0Jennifer Gerow. From the Guest Editor
195 -- 211Christiaan Philippus Storm, Caren Brenda Scheepers. The Impact of Perceived Work Complexity and Shared Leadership on Team Performance of IT Employees of South African Firms
212 -- 227Peng Liu, Ofir Turel, Chris K. Bart. Board IT Governance in Context: Considering Governance Style and Environmental Dynamism Contingencies
228 -- 242Luiz Antonio Joia, Mariela Fontenelle Sily de Assis. Motivations for the IT Professional Turnaway Intention: A Delphi Approach
243 -- 261Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Himanshu Sharma, Yogesh K. Dwivedi. A Hybrid SEM-Neural Network Model for Predicting Determinants of Mobile Payment Services
262 -- 283Laura Caluwe, Steven De Haes. Board Level IT Governance: A Scoping Review to Set the Research Agenda