Journal: Inf. Sec. Techn. Report

Volume 15, Issue 4

137 -- 0André Mariën. Matchmaking between PCI-DSS and Security
138 -- 144Georges Ataya. PCI DSS audit and compliance
145 -- 149Jeff Tutton. Incident response and compliance: A case study of the recent attacks
150 -- 153Gunnar Peterson. From auditor-centric to architecture-centric: SDLC for PCI DSS
154 -- 159J. Andrew Valentine. Compliance complacency: How 'check-box' compliancy remains a pitfall for many organizations worldwide
160 -- 165Branden R. Williams. How tokenization and encryption can enable PCI DSS compliance

Volume 15, Issue 3

77 -- 78John Austen. Computer crime - A 2011 update
79 -- 103Claire Elliott. Botnets: To what extent are they a threat to information security?
104 -- 111Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. High tech criminal threats to the national information infrastructure
112 -- 133Kuheli Roy Sarkar. Assessing insider threats to information security using technical, behavioural and organisational measures
134 -- 136William Walker. Mobile telephony security compromises

Volume 15, Issue 2

41 -- 0Chez Ciechanowicz. Identity Theft and Reconstruction
42 -- 46Steven M. Furnell. Online identity: Giving it all away?
47 -- 50Karen Lawrence Öqvist. The art of alchemy
51 -- 56Marc Langheinrich, Günter Karjoth. Social networking and the risk to companies and institutions
57 -- 66Allan Tomlinson, Po-Wah Yau, John A. MacDonald. Privacy threats in a mobile enterprise social network
67 -- 71Andy Jones, Thomas Martin. Digital forensics and the issues of identity
72 -- 75Karen Lawrence Öqvist. Fool's gold

Volume 15, Issue 1

1 -- 0Chez Ciechanowicz. Protocols and cryptography
2 -- 7Chris Sundt. Cryptography in the real world
8 -- 12Keith Mayes, Carlos Cid. The MIFARE Classic story
13 -- 20Dimitrios Patsos, Chez Ciechanowicz, Fred Piper. The status of National PKIs - A European overview
21 -- 27Alexander W. Dent. Choosing key sizes for cryptography
28 -- 32George French, Mike Bond. Caveat venditor
33 -- 40Sriramkrishnan Srinivasan. Identity based encryption: Progress and challenges