Journal: Journal of Automated Reasoning

Volume 43, Issue 4

337 -- 362Geoff Sutcliffe. The TPTP Problem Library and Associated Infrastructure
363 -- 446Xavier Leroy. A Formally Verified Compiler Back-end

Volume 43, Issue 3

237 -- 242Richard J. Boulton, Joe Hurd, Konrad Slind. Computer Assisted Reasoning
243 -- 261John Harrison. Formalizing an Analytic Proof of the Prime Number Theorem
263 -- 288Sandrine Blazy, Xavier Leroy. Mechanized Semantics for the Clight Subset of the C Language
289 -- 304Tobias Nipkow. Social Choice Theory in HOL
305 -- 336Michael Norrish. Rewriting Conversions Implemented with Continuations

Volume 43, Issue 2

121 -- 137K. Subramani. Optimal Length Resolution Refutations of Difference Constraint Systems
139 -- 172Ruben A. Gamboa. A Formalization of Powerlist Algebra in ACL2
173 -- 201Harald Zankl, Nao Hirokawa, Aart Middeldorp. KBO Orientability
203 -- 236Giorgio Dalzotto, Tomás Recio. On Protocols for the Automated Discovery of Theorems in Elementary Geometry

Volume 43, Issue 1

1 -- 18Jasmin Christian Blanchette. Proof Pearl: Mechanizing the Textbook Proof of Huffman s Algorithm
19 -- 51Jean-François Dufourd. An Intuitionistic Proof of a Discrete Form of the Jordan Curve Theorem Formalized in Coq with Combinatorial Hypermaps
53 -- 80Raul Monroy, Alan Bundy, Ian Green. On Process Equivalence = Equation Solving in CCS
81 -- 119Filip Maric. Formalization and Implementation of Modern SAT Solvers