Journal: J. Cognitive Neuroscience

Volume 28, Issue 10

1433 -- 1454Alexandra Woolgar, Jade Jackson, John Duncan. Coding of Visual, Auditory, Rule, and Response Information in the Brain: 10 Years of Multivoxel Pattern Analysis
1455 -- 1470Niv Reggev, Oded Bein, Anat Maril. Distinct Neural Suppression and Encoding Effects for Conceptual Novelty and Familiarity
1471 -- 1483Joni Holmes, Elizabeth M. Byrne, Susan E. Gathercole, Michael P. Ewbank. Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation Does Not Enhance the Effects of Working Memory Training
1484 -- 1500Elisabeth A. Karuza, Ping Li, Daniel J. Weiss, Federica Bulgarelli, Benjamin Zinszer, Richard N. Aslin. Sampling over Nonuniform Distributions: A Neural Efficiency Account of the Primacy Effect in Statistical Learning
1501 -- 1521Mathieu Servant, Corey White, Anna Montagnini, Borís Burle. Linking Theoretical Decision-making Mechanisms in the Simon Task with Electrophysiological Data: A Model-based Neuroscience Study in Humans
1522 -- 1538Jeremy B. Caplan, Christopher R. Madan. Word Imageability Enhances Association-memory by Increasing Hippocampal Engagement
1539 -- 1552Björn C. Schiffler, Rita Almeida, Mathias Granqvist, Sara L. Bengtsson. Memory-reliant Post-error Slowing Is Associated with Successful Learning and Fronto-occipital Activity
1553 -- 1567Eirini Mavritsaki, Glyn W. Humphreys. Temporal Binding and Segmentation in Visual Search: A Computational Neuroscience Analysis
1568 -- 1583Giovanna Egidi, Alfonso Caramazza. Integration Processes Compared: Cortical Differences for Consistency Evaluation and Passive Comprehension in Local and Global Coherence
1584 -- 1602Eva Dittinger, Mylène Barbaroux, Mariapaola D'Imperio, Lutz Jäncke, Stefan Elmer, Mireille Besson. Professional Music Training and Novel Word Learning: From Faster Semantic Encoding to Longer-lasting Word Representations
1603 -- 1612Sarah M. Carpentier, Sylvain Moreno, Anthony R. McIntosh. Short-term Music Training Enhances Complex, Distributed Neural Communication during Music and Linguistic Tasks
1613 -- 1624Basil C. Preisig, Noëmi Eggenberger, Giuseppe A. Zito, Tim Vanbellingen, Rahel Schumacher, Simone Hopfner, Klemens Gutbrod, Thomas Nyffeler, Dario Cazzoli, Jean-Marie Annoni, Stephan Bohlhalter, René M. Müri. Eye Gaze Behavior at Turn Transition: How Aphasic Patients Process Speakers' Turns during Video Observation
1625 -- 1635Hinze Hogendoorn. Voluntary Saccadic Eye Movements Ride the Attentional Rhythm
1636 -- 1649Laura J. Batterink, Larry Y. Cheng, Ken A. Paller. Neural Measures Reveal Implicit Learning during Language Processing