Journal: Mathematical Social Sciences

Volume 44, Issue 3

223 -- 233Marc Meertens, Jos A. M. Potters, Hans Reijnierse. Envy-free and Pareto efficient allocations in economies with indivisible goods and money
235 -- 252Christopher P. Chambers, William Thomson. Group order preservation and the proportional rule for the adjudication of conflicting claims
253 -- 276Yoshikatsu Tatamitani. Implementation by self-relevant mechanisms: applications
277 -- 299Cyril Téjédo, Michel Truchon. Serial cost sharing in multidimensional contexts
301 -- 319Jean Diatta, Henri Ralambondrainy. The conceptual weak hierarchy associated with a dissimilarity measure
321 -- 331Christian E. Weber. Three remarks on "mixed diamond goods and anomalies in consumer theory: upward-sloping compensated demand curves with unchanged diamondness"

Volume 44, Issue 2

121 -- 144Geir B. Asheim. On the epistemic foundation for backward induction
145 -- 154Eric J. Friedman. Strategic properties of heterogeneous serial cost sharing
155 -- 168Luis C. Corchón, Isabel Fradera. Comparative statics in Cournot free entry equilibrium
169 -- 181Takeshi Masuda. Farsighted stability in average return games
183 -- 209Kin Chung Lo. Correlated equilibrium under uncertainty
211 -- 221Attila Tasnádi. On probabilistic rationing methods

Volume 44, Issue 1

1 -- 15Moez Abouda, Alain Chateauneuf. Characterization of symmetrical monotone risk aversion in the RDEU model
17 -- 24Oscar Volij. A remark on bargaining and non-expected utility
25 -- 36Elisabeth Naeve-Steinweg. Mechanisms supporting the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution
37 -- 43Yutaka Nakamura. Semimetric thresholds for finite posets
45 -- 64Vitorocco Peragine. Opportunity egalitarianism and income inequality
65 -- 83Murat R. Sertel, Ipek Özkal-Sanver. Manipulability of the men- (women-) optimal matching rule via endowments
85 -- 90Somdeb Lahiri. Robust multivalued solutions for assignment problems: a note
91 -- 113Mathieu Martin, Vincent Merlin. The stability set as a social choice correspondence
115 -- 120Klaus G. Zauner. The existence of equilibrium in games with randomly perturbed payoffs and applications to experimental economics