Journal: Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

Volume 1, Issue 4

127 -- 137R. L. Goodstein, J. Hooley. On recursive transcendence
138 -- 149Otto Bird. The formalizing of the topics in mediaeval logic
150 -- 170D. L. Székely. Die Theorie der Umgangssprache als interpretierter Kompositkalkül
171 -- 175Hugues Leblanc. On a recent allotment of probabilities to open and closed sentences
176 -- 177Boleslaw Sobocinski. Errata: "On the single axioms of the protothetic. I."
176 -- 177Czeslaw Lejewski. Errata: "Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra. I."
176 -- 177E. J. Lemmon. Errata: An extension algebra and the modal system T

Volume 1, Issue 3

79 -- 90David Kaplan, Richard Montague. A paradox regained
91 -- 106Czeslaw Lejewski. Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra. II
107 -- 110Ivo Thomas. Functional completeness of Henkin's propositional fragments
111 -- 114Carl Lyngholm, Wolfgang Yourgrau. A double-iteration property of Boolean functions
115 -- 117Boleslaw Sobocinski. A simple formula equivalent to the axiom of choice
118 -- 121Robert E. Clay. The number of moduli in n-ary relations
122 -- 0Boleslaw Sobocinski. A note concerning the axiom of choice
123 -- 126G. Y. Rainick. A formal system

Volume 1, Issue 1-2

3 -- 12E. J. Lemmon. An extension algebra and the modal system T
13 -- 22Thoralf Skolem. Investigations on a comprehension axiom without negation in the defining propositional functions
23 -- 47Czeslaw Lejewski. Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra. I
48 -- 51Ivo Thomas. Independence of Faris-rejection-axioms
52 -- 73Boleslaw Sobocinski. On the single axioms of the protothetic. I
74 -- 78Ivo Thomas. Independence of Tarski's law in Henkin's propositional fragments