Journal: Neural Computation

Volume 11, Issue 2

305 -- 345Sam T. Roweis, Zoubin Ghahramani. A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models
347 -- 374Suzanna Becker. Implicit Learning in 3D Object Recognition: The Importance of Temporal Context
375 -- 379Udo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik, Misha Tsodyks, Terrence J. Sejnowski. Relation Between Retinotopical and Orientation Maps in Visual Cortex
381 -- 416Florentin Wörgötter, Alex Cozzi, V. Gerdes. A Parallel Noise-Robust Algorithm to Recover Depth Information From Radial Flow Fields
417 -- 441Te-Won Lee, Mark Girolami, Terrence J. Sejnowski. Independent Component Analysis Using an Extended Infomax Algorithm for Mixed Sub-Gaussian and Super-Gaussian Sources
443 -- 482Michael E. Tipping, Christopher M. Bishop. Mixtures of Probabilistic Principal Component Analysers
483 -- 497Ran Avnimelech, Nathan Intrator. Boosted Mixture Of Experts: An Ensemble Learning Scheme
499 -- 520Ran Avnimelech, Nathan Intrator. Boosting Regression Estimators
521 -- 540Isaac David Guedalia, Mickey London, Michael Werman. An On-line Agglomerative Clustering Method for Non-Stationary Data
541 -- 563Anders Krogh, Soren Kamaric Riis. Hidden Neural Networks