Journal: SIGMOD Record

Volume 40, Issue 2

6 -- 16Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Ulf Leser. Search, adapt, and reuse: the future of scientific workflows
17 -- 23Jun Wang, Ling Feng, Wenwei Xue, Zhanjiang Song. A survey on energy-efficient data management
24 -- 32Marianne Winslett, Vanessa P. Braganholo. Laura Haas speaks out on managing teams versus children, research versus product development, and much more
33 -- 39Marianne Winslett. Alberto Laender speaks out on why Google bought his startup, how to evaluate graduate program quality, how to do high-impact research in a developing country, how hyperinflation nurtured Brazil's software industry, and more
40 -- 44Xiaofeng Meng, Peiquan Jin, Wei Cao, Lihua Yue. Report on the first international workshop on flash-based database systems (FlashDB 2011)
45 -- 48Philippe Bonnet, Stefan Manegold, Matias Bjørling, Wei Cao, Javier Gonzalez, Joel A. Granados, Nancy Hall, Stratos Idreos, Milena Ivanova, Ryan Johnson, David Koop, Tim Kraska, René Müller, Dan Olteanu, Paolo Papotti, Christine Reilly, Dimitris Tsirogiannis, Cong Yu, Juliana Freire, Dennis Shasha. Repeatability and workability evaluation of SIGMOD 2011