Journal: SIGMOD Record

Volume 42, Issue 1

5 -- 14Graham Cormode. The continuous distributed monitoring model
15 -- 26Fabian Schomm, Florian Stahl, Gottfried Vossen. Marketplaces for data: an initial survey
27 -- 37Marianne Winslett, Vanessa Braganholo. Hank Korth speaks out on two-career issues, why not to write a book in the beginning of your career, and more
38 -- 43Soumen Chakrabarti, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Krithi Ramamritham, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan 0001. Data-based research at IIT Bombay
44 -- 49Michael Stonebraker, Sam Madden, Pradeep Dubey. Intel "big data" science and technology center vision and execution plan
50 -- 52Torben Bach Pedersen, Wolfgang Lehner, Gregor Hackenbroich. Report on the first international workshop on energy data management (EnDM 2012)
53 -- 55Xiaofeng Meng, Fusheng Wang, Adam Silberstein. Report on the fourth international workshop on cloud data management (CloudDB 2012)