Journal: TSLP

Volume 10, Issue 4

14 -- 0Marcello Federico, Steve Renals. Editorial
15 -- 0Toyomi Meguro, Yasuhiro Minami, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Kohji Dohsaka. Learning to control listening-oriented dialogue using partially observable markov decision processes
16 -- 0Xiaoyan Cai, Wenjie Li, Renxian Zhang. Combining co-clustering with noise detection for theme-based summarization
17 -- 0Eduardo Blanco, Dan I. Moldovan. Composition of semantic relations: Theoretical framework and case study
18 -- 0Artem Sokolov, Guillaume Wisniewski, François Yvon. Lattice BLEU oracles in machine translation
19 -- 0James O'Shea, Zuhair Bandar, Keeley A. Crockett. A new benchmark dataset with production methodology for short text semantic similarity algorithms
20 -- 0Suman Deb Roy, Wenjun Zeng. Cognitive canonicalization of natural language queries using semantic strata

Volume 10, Issue 3

8 -- 0Matthieu Constant, Joseph Le Roux, Anthony Sigogne. Combining compound recognition and PCFG-LA parsing with word lattices and conditional random fields
9 -- 0Su Nam Kim, Timothy Baldwin. Word sense and semantic relations in noun compounds
10 -- 0Jey Han Lau, Timothy Baldwin, David Newman. On collocations and topic models
11 -- 0Ekaterina Shutova, Jakub Kaplan, Simone Teufel, Anna Korhonen. A computational model of logical metonymy
12 -- 0Beata Beigman Klebanov, Jill Burstein, Nitin Madnani. Sentiment profiles of multiword expressions in test-taker essays: The case of noun-noun compounds
13 -- 0Preslav Nakov, Marti A. Hearst. Semantic interpretation of noun compounds using verbal and other paraphrases

Volume 10, Issue 2

3 -- 0Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio, Valia Kordoni. Introduction to the special issue on multiword expressions: From theory to practice and use
4 -- 0Kenneth Church. How many multiword expressions do people know?
5 -- 0Anthony R. Davis, Leslie Barrett. Lexical semantic factors in the acceptability of english support-verb-nominalization constructions
6 -- 0Veronika Vincze, István Nagy T., János Zsibrita. Learning to detect english and hungarian light verb constructions
7 -- 0Malvina Nissim, Andrea Zaninello. Modeling the internal variability of multiword expressions through a pattern-based method

Volume 10, Issue 1

1 -- 0Kevin Duh, Ching-man Au Yeung, Tomoharu Iwata, Masaaki Nagata. Managing information disparity in multilingual document collections
2 -- 0Renxian Zhang, Wenjie Li, Dehong Gao. Towards content-level coherence with aspect-guided summarization