Enrico Biermann, Karsten Ehrig, Christian Köhler, Günter Kuhns, Gabriele Taentzer, Eduard Weiss. EMF Model Refactoring based on Graph Transformation Concepts. ECEASST, 3, 2006. [doi]
@article{BiermannEKKTW06:0, title = {EMF Model Refactoring based on Graph Transformation Concepts}, author = {Enrico Biermann and Karsten Ehrig and Christian Köhler and Günter Kuhns and Gabriele Taentzer and Eduard Weiss}, year = {2006}, url = {http://eceasst.cs.tu-berlin.de/index.php/eceasst/article/view/34}, tags = {model-to-model transformation, rule-based, graph transformation, meta-model, model refactoring, refactoring, EMF, source-to-source, graph-rewriting, rule-based refactoring, model transformation, Meta-Environment, rewriting, transformation}, researchr = {https://researchr.org/publication/BiermannEKKTW06%3A0}, cites = {0}, citedby = {0}, journal = {ECEASST}, volume = {3}, }