Rethinking Weak Supervision in Helping Contrastive Learning

Jingyi Cui, Weiran Huang 0001, Yifei Wang, Yisen Wang 0001. Rethinking Weak Supervision in Helping Contrastive Learning. In Andreas Krause 0001, Emma Brunskill, KyungHyun Cho, Barbara Engelhardt, Sivan Sabato, Jonathan Scarlett, editors, International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2023, 23-29 July 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Volume 202 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 6448-6467, PMLR, 2023. [doi]


Jingyi Cui

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Jingyi Cui' in Google

Weiran Huang 0001

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Weiran Huang 0001' in Google

Yifei Wang

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Yifei Wang' in Google

Yisen Wang 0001

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Yisen Wang 0001' in Google