Lorenzo Galati Giordano, Luca Reggiani, Laura Dossi. Interference Evaluation in Multi-Cell Environment with Resource Allocation Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 67th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2008, 11-14 May 2008, Singapore. pages 1615-1619, IEEE, 2008. [doi]
@inproceedings{GiordanoRD08, title = {Interference Evaluation in Multi-Cell Environment with Resource Allocation Algorithms}, author = {Lorenzo Galati Giordano and Luca Reggiani and Laura Dossi}, year = {2008}, doi = {10.1109/VETECS.2008.374}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VETECS.2008.374}, tags = {meta-model, Meta-Environment, meta-objects}, researchr = {https://researchr.org/publication/GiordanoRD08}, cites = {0}, citedby = {0}, pages = {1615-1619}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 67th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2008, 11-14 May 2008, Singapore}, publisher = {IEEE}, }