A More Relaxed Model for Graph-Based Data Clustering: s-Plex Editing

Jiong Guo, Christian Komusiewicz, Rolf Niedermeier, Johannes Uhlmann. A More Relaxed Model for Graph-Based Data Clustering: s-Plex Editing. In Andrew V. Goldberg, Yunhong Zhou, editors, Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, 5th International Conference, AAIM 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 15-17, 2009. Proceedings. Volume 5564 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 226-239, Springer, 2009. [doi]


Jiong Guo

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Christian Komusiewicz

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Christian Komusiewicz' in Google

Rolf Niedermeier

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Rolf Niedermeier' in Google

Johannes Uhlmann

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Johannes Uhlmann' in Google