Michael Lawley, Jim Steel. Practical Declarative Model Transformation with Tefkat. In Jean-Michel Bruel, editor, Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, MoDELS 2005 International Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Educators Symposium, Montego Bay, Jamaica, October 2-7, 2005, Revised Selected Papers. Volume 3844 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 139-150, Springer, 2005. [doi]
We present Tefkat, an implementation of a language designed specifically for the transformation of MOF models using patterns and rules. The language adopts a declarative paradigm, wherein users may concern themselves solely with the relations between the models rather than needing to deal explicitly with issues such as order of rule execution and pattern searching/traversal of input models. In this paper, we demonstrate the language using a provided example and highlight a number of language features used in solving the problem, a simple object-to-relational mapping.