A Controllable Bidirectional Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles with Vehicle-to-Grid Capability

Hugo Neves de Melo, João Pedro F. Trovao, Paulo G. Pereirinha, Humberto M. Jorge, Carlos Henggeler Antunes. A Controllable Bidirectional Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles with Vehicle-to-Grid Capability. IEEE T. Vehicular Technology, 67(1):114-123, 2018. [doi]


Hugo Neves de Melo

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João Pedro F. Trovao

This author has not been identified. Look up 'João Pedro F. Trovao' in Google

Paulo G. Pereirinha

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Paulo G. Pereirinha' in Google

Humberto M. Jorge

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Humberto M. Jorge' in Google

Carlos Henggeler Antunes

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Carlos Henggeler Antunes' in Google