Alexander Pawluchin, Michael Meindl, Ive Weygers, Thomas Seel, Ivo Boblan. Gaussian process-based nonlinearity compensation for pneumatic soft actuators. Automatisierungstechnik, 72(5):440-448, May 2024. [doi]
@article{PawluchinMWSB24, title = {Gaussian process-based nonlinearity compensation for pneumatic soft actuators}, author = {Alexander Pawluchin and Michael Meindl and Ive Weygers and Thomas Seel and Ivo Boblan}, year = {2024}, month = {May}, doi = {10.1515/auto-2023-0237}, url = {}, researchr = {}, cites = {0}, citedby = {0}, journal = {Automatisierungstechnik}, volume = {72}, number = {5}, pages = {440-448}, }