Development of denoising method for digital image in low-light condition

Suhaila Sari, Sharifah Zahidah Hasan Al Fakkri, Hazli Roslan, Zarina Tukiran. Development of denoising method for digital image in low-light condition. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2013, Penang, Malaysia, November 29 - Dec. 1, 2013. pages 142-147, IEEE, 2013. [doi]


Suhaila Sari

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Sharifah Zahidah Hasan Al Fakkri

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Sharifah Zahidah Hasan Al Fakkri' in Google

Hazli Roslan

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Zarina Tukiran

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Zarina Tukiran' in Google