Object transportation by multiple mobile robots controlled by attractor dynamics: theory and implementation

Rui Soares, Estela Bicho, Toni Machado, Wolfram Erlhagen. Object transportation by multiple mobile robots controlled by attractor dynamics: theory and implementation. In 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 29 - November 2, 2007, Sheraton Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California, USA. pages 937-944, IEEE, 2007. [doi]


Rui Soares

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Estela Bicho

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Estela Bicho' in Google

Toni Machado

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Toni Machado' in Google

Wolfram Erlhagen

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Wolfram Erlhagen' in Google