HyWorM: An Experiment in Dynamic Improvement of Analytic Processes

Ethan Brantley Trewhitt, Elizabeth T. Whitaker, Elizabeth S. Veinott, Rick Thomas, Michael Riley 0004, Ashley F. McDermott, Leonard Eusebi, Michael Dougherty, David A. Illingworth, Sean Guarino. HyWorM: An Experiment in Dynamic Improvement of Analytic Processes. In Robert A. Sottilare, Jessica Schwarz, editors, Adaptive Instructional Systems. Design and Evaluation - Third International Conference, AIS 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24-29, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Volume 12792 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 311-320, Springer, 2021. [doi]


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