Simplifying Prostate Elastography Using Micro-ultrasound and Transfer Function Imaging

Reid Vassallo, Tajwar Abrar Aleef, Vedanth Desaigoudar, Qi Zeng 0004, David Black, Brian Wodlinger, Miles Mannas, Peter C. Black, Septimiu E. Salcudean. Simplifying Prostate Elastography Using Micro-ultrasound and Transfer Function Imaging. In Alberto Gómez 0002, Bishesh Khanal, Andrew P. King, Ana I. L. Namburete, editors, Simplifying Medical Ultrasound - 5th International Workshop, ASMUS 2024, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2024, Marrakesh, Morocco, October 6, 2024, Proceedings. Volume 15186 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 14-23, Springer, 2024. [doi]


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