Predictive-State Decoders: Encoding the Future into Recurrent Networks

Arun Venkatraman, Nicholas Rhinehart, Wen Sun, Lerrel Pinto, Martial Hebert, Byron Boots, Kris M. Kitani, James Andrew Bagnell. Predictive-State Decoders: Encoding the Future into Recurrent Networks. In Isabelle Guyon, Ulrike von Luxburg, Samy Bengio, Hanna M. Wallach, Rob Fergus, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Roman Garnett, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2017, 4-9 December 2017, Long Beach, CA, USA. pages 1172-1183, 2017. [doi]


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