Xuan-Son Vu, Thanh Vu, Huong Nguyen, Quang-Thuy Ha. Improving Text-Based Image Search with Textual and Visual Features Combination. In Viet Ha Nguyen, Anh-Cuong Le, Van-Nam Huynh, editors, Knowledge and Systems Engineering - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference KSE 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam, 9-11 October 2014. Volume 326 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 233-245, Springer, 2014. [doi]
@inproceedings{VuVNH14, title = {Improving Text-Based Image Search with Textual and Visual Features Combination}, author = {Xuan-Son Vu and Thanh Vu and Huong Nguyen and Quang-Thuy Ha}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-11680-8_19}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11680-8_19}, researchr = {https://researchr.org/publication/VuVNH14}, cites = {0}, citedby = {0}, pages = {233-245}, booktitle = {Knowledge and Systems Engineering - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference KSE 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam, 9-11 October 2014}, editor = {Viet Ha Nguyen and Anh-Cuong Le and Van-Nam Huynh}, volume = {326}, series = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-319-11679-2}, }