Abstract is missing.
- Automatic Verification of Finite-state Concurrent SystemsEdmund M. Clarke. 1
- The Application of Petri Nets to the Modeling, Analysis and Control of Intelligent Urban Traffic NetworksFrank DiCesare, Paul T. Kulp, Michael Gile, George List. 2-15
- On the Model of Computation of Place/Transition Petri NetsJosé Meseguer, Ugo Montanari, Vladimiro Sassone. 16-38
- B-W Analysis: A Backward Reachability Analysis for Diagnostic Problem Solving Suitable to Parallel ImplementationCosimo Anglano, Luigi Portinale. 39-58
- Probabilistic Validation of a Remote Procedure Call ProtocolN. Bennacer, Gerard Florin, C. Fraize, Stéphane Natkin. 59-78
- Occurrence Graphs for Interval Timed Coloured NetsGérard Berthelot, Hanifa Boucheneb. 79-98
- Implementation of Weighted Place/Transition Nets Based on Linear Enabling FunctionsJosé Luis Briz, José Manuel Colom. 99-118
- Hierarchical High Level Petri Nets for Complex System AnalysisPeter Buchholz. 119-138
- Modeling Symmetric Computer Architectures by SWNsGiovanni Chiola, Giuliana Franceschinis, Rossano Gaeta. 139-158
- Coloured Petri Nets Extended with Channels for Synchronous CommunicationSøren Christensen, Niels Damgaard Hansen. 159-178
- Petri Nets with Marking-Dependent Ar Cardinality: Properties and AnalysisGianfranco Ciardo. 179-198
- New Structural Invariants for Petri Nets AnalysisJean-Michel Couvreur, Emmanuel Paviot-Adet. 199-218
- Time Stream Petri Nets: A Model for Timed Multimedia InformationMichel Diaz, Patrick Sénac. 219-238
- A Term Representation of P/T SystemsCheryl Dietz, Gerlinde Schreiber. 239-257
- Superposed Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets: Definition and Efficient SolutionSusanna Donatelli. 258-277
- Verification of Recipe-Based Control Procedures by Means of Predicate/Transition NetsHartmann J. Genrich, Hans-Michael Hanisch, Konrad Wöllhaf. 278-297
- Towards Comprehensive Support for the Dynamic Analysis of Petri Net Based ModelsRudolf K. Keller, Marianne Ozkan, Xijin Shen. 298-317
- Partial Order Semantics of Box ExpressionsMaciej Koutny. 318-337
- A General Systematic Approach to Arc Extensions for Coloured Petri NetsCharles Lakos, Søren Christensen. 338-357
- Liveness in Bounded Petri Nets Which Are Covered by T-InvariantsKurt Lautenbach, Hanno Ridder. 358-375
- Modelling the Work Flow of a Nuclear Waste Management ProgramKjeld Høyer Mortensen, Valerio O. Pinci. 376-395
- Data Structures and Algorithms for Extended State Space and Structural Level Reduction of the GSPN ModelDonna S. Nielsen, Leonard Kleinrock. 396-415
- Petri Net Analysis Using Boolean ManipulationEnric Pastor, Oriol Roig, Jordi Cortadella, Rosa M. Badia. 416-435
- Modelling of Pilot Behaviour Using Petri NetsW. Ruckdeschel, Reiner Onken. 436-453
- Simulation and Analysis of a Document Storage SystemGert Scheschonk, Michael Timpe. 454-470
- Cooperative NetsChristophe Sibertin-Blanc. 471-490
- Well-Formedness of Equal Conflict SystemsEnrique Teruel, Manuel Silva. 491-510
- Symbolic, Symmetry, and Stubborn Set SearchesMikko Tiusanen. 511-530
- Compositional Analysis with Place-Bordered SubnetsAntti Valmari. 531-547
- On Combining the Stubborn Set Method with the Sleep Set MethodKimmo Varpaaniemi. 548-567
- OR Causality: Modelling and Hardware ImplementationAlexandre Yakovlev, Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno. 568-587