Abstract is missing.
- Design tools for e-learningDiana Laurillard. 3-4
- Sailing into uncharted waters - the impact of new media use on educationPeter Olaf Looms. 5-16
- Storm clouds on the digital education horizonThomas C. Reeves. 17-26
- A tool to evalutate the potential for an ict-based learning design to foster high-quality learning Shirley Agostinho, Ron Oliver, Barry Harper, John G. Hedberg, Sandra Wills. 29-38
- Addressing different cognitive levels for on-line learningNéstor E. Aguilera, George Fernandez, Gary Fitz-Gerald. 39-46
- Simassessment: enhancing academics understanding of assessment through computer simulationShirley Alexander, Peter Kandlbinder, Elisabeth Howson, Lawrence Lukito, Andrew Francois, Simon Housego. 47-55
- Design principles for authoring dynamic, reusable learning objectsTom Boyle. 57-64
- Developing informal reasoning skills in ill-structured environments. A case study into problem-solving strategiesGwyn Brickell, Brian Ferry, Barry Harper. 65-73
- Rethinking assessment through learning technologiesJoanna Bull, Grainne Conole, Hugh C. Davis, Su White, Myles Danson, Niall Sclater. 75-86
- Genre structuring in a web-based groupware medium: the evolution of project progress reportTony Clear. 87-96
- Six months in a leaky boat: framing the knowledge and skills needed to teach well onlineGillian Collom, Alexis Dallas, Rod Jong, Regina Obexer. 97-106
- A review of the technologies application programme - perspectives on teaching and learningGrainne Conole, Ted Smith, Tom Franklin. 107-117
- Remote controlled experiments for teaching over the internet: a comparision of approaches developed in the pearl projectMartyn Cooper, Alexis A. Donnelly, José Ferreira. 119-128
- A model for the implementation and sustainability of a course management system in a research universityGeoffrey Crisp. 129-138
- Evaluating learning resources for reusability: the dner & learning objects studySarah Currier, Lorna M. Campbell. 139-148
- The contribution of 3D environments to conceptual understandingBarney Dalgarno, John G. Hedberg, Barry Harper. 149-158
- Reflections on the colis (collaborative online learning and information systems) demonstrator project and the learning object lifecycle James Dalziel. 159-166
- Implementing compouter conferencing into a seminar course to facilitate discussions with pre-service and first year teachersCheryl B. DeLuca. 167-175
- An educational design plan for professional develpment about online learning and teaching: scarie!Claire Donald, Mark Northover, Tony Koppi, Gill Matthews. 177-184
- Design for a culturally affirming indigenous computer literacy courseLaurel Evelyn Dyson. 185-194
- Disseminating innovation and best practice in ICT education: the ICT-ed-databaseAinslie Ellis, Selby Markham, Janet Munro, Judy Sheard. 195-202
- Evaluating a multimedia-based tool for self-learning geographic information systemsFrancisco Escobar, Isaac Francés, Ian D. Bishop, Andre Zerger. 203-209
- The filter generic image dataset: a model for the creation of image-based learning & teaching resourcesJill Evans. 211-220
- Collaborative staff development across a diverse organisationEmma Felton, Peter Evans. 221-230
- The cahllenge of change: introducing flexible learning into a traditional medical and health sciences facultyCathy Gunn, Ross McCormick, Michelle Honey. 231-239
- The online university: the students perspectiveSteven Hatch. 241-249
- Designing learning activities from learning objectsIgor Hawryszkiewycz. 251-260
- Ensuring high quality thinking and scaffolding learning in an online worldJohn G. Hedberg. 261-270
- Mental models of teaching and learning with the wwwLyn Henderson, Ian Putt, Geoff Coombs. 271-277
- Patterns of engagement in authentic online learning environmentsJan Herrington, Ron Oliver, Thomas C. Reeves. 279-286
- Issues arising from an online resource-based learning approach in first year psychologyDale Holt, Mary Rice, Christine Armatas. 287-297
- Centralised decentralised professional development models: supporting the long term use of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher educationDeborah Ingram, Anthony Gilding. 299-308
- Situation, learning and design: contexts for educational use of computer networksChris Jones. 309-318
- A team-based approach to the production of online courseware (case study)Deborah Jones, Lyn Atkinson, Mary Toohey. 319-327
- Professional development for flexible learning and teaching: a comparative analysis of ::::LEARNSCOPE::::, 2001 - 2002Jane Kemelfield. 329-338
- Visual mapping: a tool for design, development and communication in the development of IT-rich learning environmentsDavid M. Kennedy. 339-348
- Authentic learning interactions: myth or reality?Mike Keppell, Karen Kan, Louise Brearley Messer, Heather Bione. 349-358
- Implementing a computer training package to accomodate an increasingly computer literate cohortCatherine Lang, Sharmini Thurairasa, Graham Farrell. 359-367
- Creating new learning environments off campus in the faculty of arts: what impact ono teaching and learning on campus?Geraldine Lefoe, Rebecca M. Albury. 369-377
- A voyage of discovery - developing an online learning program for cross-cultural awarenessJacqui Limberger, Heather Cameron. 379-387
- Can one size fit all? The case study of a cd rom in teacher educationKristina Love, Bradley Shrimpton. 389-399
- Developing an instructional design strategy to support generic skills developmentJoe Luca, Ron Oliver. 401-411
- Are we there yet? It graduates - bauhaus styleKathy Lynch, Andrew Barnden, Angela Carbone, Christabel Gonsalvez. 413-419
- Does gender influence discussion forum participation in online education?Margaret Mazzolini, Sarah Maddison. 421-430
- Charting the role of the online teacher in higher education: winds of changeJacquie McDonald, Shirley Reushle. 431-440
- Keeping an anchor watch: industry partnership a basis for learningCatherine McLoughlin, Joe Luca. 441-449
- It takes more than metadata and stories of success: understanding barriers to reuse of computer-facilitated learning resourcesCarmel McNaught, Andrew Burd, Kevin Whithear, John Prescott, Glenn Browning. 451-460
- It is an inertia thing, no-one uses it, so no-one uses it: the failure of a virtual social space (vss) intended to create a learning communityMaggie McPherson, Miguel Baptista Nunes, Lisa Harris. 461-470
- Development of a quality assurance system for e-learning projectsMark A. Nichols. 471-475
- Online discussion boards - friend or foe?Mark Northover. 477-484
- In at the deep end -swapping roles through staff development onlineMeg O Reilly, Allan Ellis. 485-494
- Using the enhanced problem-based learning grid: three multimedia case studiesPeter K. Oriogun, Fiona French, Richard Haynes. 495-504
- Use of online and offline formative and summative assessment opportunities: have they had any impact on student learning?Mary Peat, Sue Franklin. 505-513
- Overcoming computer anxiety through reflection on attributionRenata Phelps, Allan Ellis. 515-524
- An evaluation of student learning in a web-supported unit on plant diversityRob Phillips, Catherine Baudains, Mike van Keulen. 525-534
- Surveyor: A case study of a web-based survey tool for academicsCatherine Pocknee, Diane Robbie. 535-543
- How to manage the widespread use of learning technology: managed learning environmentsSarah Porter. 545-552
- Flexible learning: how can we get there from here?Tim S. Roberts. 553-560
- Reeling in D.E. students: equitable professional development for it students through CMCAngela Schlotzer, Alison Ruth. 561-570
- Integrating national initiatives and local developments: streaming video to support nurse education in the UKKerry L. Shephard. 571-580
- Rethinking e-learning design on generative learning principlesJanet Shepherd, Jean Clendinning, Lynette Schaverien. 581-591
- The implementation of a university-wide electronic reflective journal to facilitate the development of core skillsWilly Sher, Anthony Williams, Ron Sharkey. 593-601
- Cecil: the first web-based LMSDon Sheridan, David White, Lesley A. Gardner. 603-611
- Trends, fads, and futures: computers in learning in tertiary education, 1983-2002Rod Sims, Sue Franklin, Margaret Lindsay. 613-621
- Continuous improvement through shared understanding: reconceptualising instructional design for online learningRod Sims, Deborah Jones. 623-632
- Technical architecture of the RDN virtual training suite: a national e-learning resource for the UKPaul Smith, Emma Place, Kate Sharp, Simon Price. 633-642
- Drowning in information: evaluating web-mediated collaborative learningLesley Treleaven. 643-652
- A path or a map?Steven D. Tripp. 653-660
- ELP - a web envrionment for learning to programNghi Truong, Peter Bancroft, Paul Roe. 661-670
- From face-to-face teaching to online distance education classes: some challenges and surprisesJan Turbil. 671-680
- A five-level approach to the large-scale development and delivery of online programsChris van der Craats, Jim McGovern, Linda Pannan. 681-690
- Interlearn - A tool for collaborative learningCristina Varsavsky, Wendy McKenzie, Geoff Romeo, Leonard Webster. 691-700
- Why swallow the silicon snake oil? mainstreaming online learning in teacher educationTony Visser, Jim Woolford. 701-709
- Implementation of a learning management system using an integrated approach to professional developmentDebbi Weaver, Yvonne Button, Anthony Gilding. 711-720
- The plagiarism problem: are students entirely to blame?Jeremy B. Williams. 721-730
- Creating online discursive spaces that legitimate alternative ways of knowingAndy Williamson, Ruth DeSouza. 731-739
- Generic skills development: integrating ICT in professional preparationHeather Yeatman, Lori Lockyer. 741-748
- Transparent teleteachingPeter Ziewer, Helmut Seidl. 749-758
- Cost-effective development and delivery of 100 online I. T. coursesC. P. Zuluaga, E. J. S. Morris, G. Fernandez. 759-766
- Desktop IP videoconferencing as an effective tool for online deliveryGarry Allan, Kathleen Gray, Val Freda. 769-773
- When technology, teaching and evaluation intersect ethical dilemmas arise: student evaluation of online teachingAndrelyn Aplebee, Coralie McCormack, Peter Donnan. 775-778
- Practices-based can make online perfect: studyage onlineStewart Barnet, Mary Jane Mahony, Tim Shaw. 779-782
- Open online assessment: keeping the tutors honest!Cori Barrett, Joe Luca. 783-786
- Anoraks to the rescueGill Butland, Ros O Leary, Julian Cook, Ellen Sims. 787-790
- Genuine thinking or random button pressing? self-assessment design in computer-based learning materialsJulian Cook, Nick Crabb. 791-794
- Dialog on: online learning and social dialogue in the european trade union sectorLinda Creanor. 795-798
- Using java aplets to help make online assessment interactiveGeoffrey Crisp. 799-802
- A secondment mechanism for enhancing the use of learning technologyH. Y. Dalgleish, B. R. P. Dawson. 803-806
- Using a database web survey to manage student feedback about courses: building a learning community around qualityKathleen Gray, Garry Allan. 807-810
- Using the internet to provide authentic professional development for beginning teachersAnthony Herrington, Jan Herrington, Arshad Omari. 811-814
- Analysis of the moving image online using a web-based question systemDavid Hirst, Jeanette Hoorn, Barbara Creed. 815-818
- Boundary crossing in a communicty of communities of practiceSimon Housego. 819-822
- Implementing and supporting virtual learning environments (VLES)Martin Jenkins, Susan Armitage. 823-826
- A powerful virtual learning environmentGreta C. Kelly. 827-831
- A question of balance: using self and peer assessment effectively in teamworkJoe Luca, Catherine McLoughlin. 833-837
- Fostering online learning communities through instructor networkingPenney McFarlane, Anne Fuller, Cam Le Lam. 839-842
- Seachange: design of online quiz questions to foster deep learningCatherine McLoughlin, Nick Reid. 843-846
- Trying something different in training: tipJames Meek, Lori Lockyer. 847-850
- The cube and the advantages of assimilationNora Mogey, Rachel Ellaway, Wilma Alexander. 851-856
- A judicious mix of technology and teachers: online teaching of critical thinking in legal educationJohn Montgomery. 857-860
- A tale of two cities: computer mediated teaching & learning in Melbourne and SingaporeNigel Munro-Smith. 861-864
- Taking the community for a rideKen Newman. 865-868
- Teacher assessment of computer-mediated discussionsKaren Yeok-Hwa Ngeow. 869-872
- Designing culturally sensitive learning environmentsKaren Ngeow, Karen Y. S. Kong. 873-876
- Small group learning in online discussions: staying in your own backyard or peering over the garden fence?Mary Panko. 877-880
- Navigating econtentRosemary Phillimore. 881-884
- Visual literacy: what is it and do we need it to use learning technologies effectively?Ellen Sims, Ros O Leary, Julian Cook, Gill Butland. 885-888
- The use of a large interactive display surface (lids) prototype in graphic design teachingStephen Thorpe, Philip Carter, Andrea Baker, Blake Lough. 889-892
- Do students need, use, like and want an on-line health psychology course?Dominic Upton, Carol D. Cooper. 893-896
- Using online learning to enable reflection upon authentic tasksAndy Williamson, Carolyn Nodder. 897-900
- Encouraging research into on-line learning and assessmentRachel A. Harris, Cliff Beevers, Rory Ewins, Jeff Haywood, Erica McAteer. 903-908
- Multiple perspective and theoretical dialogue in learning technologyMartin Oliver, Grainne Conole, John Cook, Andrew Ravenscroft, Sarah Currier. 909-917
- Evaluating online teaching: a portfolio approachStephen Bright. 921
- Practical learning supports for lecturers and students new to WEBCT and online deliveryWendy Chalmers. 922
- Piloting the use of ICTS in the school setting: lessons learnedElizabeth Devonshire, Robyn Lowe, Maree Gosper. 923
- The wiced® wayRoss Dewstow, Patrick Kunz, Peter Moodie, Joanna Tarnowska, Noeline Wright. 924
- Widening the gap online: a case studyKay Fielden, Pam Malcolm. 925
- Bringing it all together: the Edinburgh student portalJeff Haywood, Rob Sands, Mark Wetton, Brian Denholm, Bryan MacGregor, Anne-Marie Scott, Bruce Johnson, Peter Pratt. 926
- Full steam ahead : managing the learning environment of an Australiawide research training program in the earth and environmental sciencesPatrick James, Ian W. Roberts. 927
- Ferl - a national resource for information learning technologyTheresa Kinnison. 928
- Support online teaching: bring pedagogical, technological and organisational aspects togetherPatrick Kunz. 929
- Our use of charactersJames Meek. 930
- Management of e-learning budgets in New ZealandMark A. Nichols. 931
- Storytelling in computer programmingChristine Prasad. 932
- Embedding online reflection activities into curriculum: considerations in indigeneous health practiceMiranda Rose, Elizabeth Devonshire. 933
- Triple bottom line for online learning investmentsSusan Shannon, Ian Roberts. 934
- Towards an approximation of life - artificial intelligence in games developmentStephen Skelton. 935
- Strategies for retention and success of special group students utilising a technology approachCarol Storey, Elizabeth Nicholson, Elaine Lawler. 936
- Addressing the digital divide between nursing practice and education using a personal digital assistant (PDA)Shona Wilson, Denise Dignam, Eleanor Hay. 937