Abstract is missing.
- A Hybrid Exact-ACO Algorithm for the Joint Scheduling, Power and Cluster Assignment in Cooperative Wireless NetworksFabio D'Andreagiovanni. 3-17 [doi]
- Proposal and Evaluation of Attractor Perturbation-Based Rate Control for Stable End-to-End DelayMidori Waki, Naoki Wakamiya, Masayuki Murata. 18-32 [doi]
- The Reactive ASR-FA - An Ant Routing Algorithm That Detects Changes in the Network by Employing Statistical Delay ModelsMalgorzata Gadomska-Kudelska, Andrzej Pacut, Michal Kudelski. 33-48 [doi]
- A Mathematical Model for the Analysis of the Johnson-Nyquist Thermal Noise on the Reliability in Nano-CommunicationsPietro Santagati, Valeriu Beiu. 49-59 [doi]
- Visuomotor Mapping Based on Hering's Law for a Redundant Active Stereo Head and a 3 DOF ArmFlavio Mutti, Giuseppina Gini. 63-74 [doi]
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- What Could Assistance Robots Learn from Assistance Dogs?Márta Gácsi, Sára Szakadát, Adám Miklósi. 105-119 [doi]
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- Algorithmically Transitive Network: Learning Padé Networks for RegressionHideaki Suzuki. 150-166 [doi]
- Investigation of Developmental Mechanisms in Common Developmental GenomesKonstantinos Antonakopoulos, Gunnar Tufte. 169-183 [doi]
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- The Use of Computational Intelligence in the Design of Polymers and in Property PredictionXi Chen, Les M. Sztandera, Hugh M. Cartwright, Stephen Granger-Bevan. 199-207 [doi]
- A Watermarking Scheme for Coding DNA Sequences Using Codon Circular CodeSuk Hwan Lee, Eung-Joo Lee, Won-Joo Hwang, Ki-Ryong Kwon. 208-219 [doi]
- Ant Local Search for Combinatorial OptimizationNicolas Zufferey. 223-236 [doi]
- An Enhanced Ant Colony System for the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman ProblemDennis Weyland, Roberto Montemanni, Luca Maria Gambardella. 237-249 [doi]
- Exploiting Synergies Between Exact and Heuristic Methods in Optimization: An Application to the Relay Placement Problem in Wireless Sensor NetworksEduardo Feo Flushing, Gianni A. Di Caro. 250-265 [doi]
- Extracting Communities from Citation Networks of Patents: Application of the Brain-Inspired Mechanism of Information RetrievalHiroshi Okamoto. 269-282 [doi]
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- Simulating Language Dynamics by Means of Concept ReasoningGonzalo A. Aranda-Corral, Joaquín Borrego-Díaz, Juan Galán Páez. 296-311 [doi]
- Rigorous Punishment Promotes Cooperation in Prisoners' Dilemma GameYun Ling, Jian Liu, Ping Zhu, Guiyi Wei. 312-321 [doi]