Abstract is missing.
- Beautiful Code, Beautiful Proof?Maarten de Mol, Marko C. J. D. van Eekelen. 1-7 [doi]
- Beauty and CodeTom Brus. 8-17 [doi]
- An Ontology of StatesAndrew Polonsky, Henk Barendregt. 18-26 [doi]
- Functional Type Assignment for Featherweight Java - To Rinus Plasmeijer, in Honour of His 61st BirthdaySteffen van Bakel, Reuben N. S. Rowe. 27-46 [doi]
- Verifying Functional Formalizations - A Type-Theoretical Case Study in PVSSjaak Smetsers, Erik Barendsen. 47-59 [doi]
- Functional SemanticsPieter W. M. Koopman. 60-78 [doi]
- Why Functional Programming Matters to MePeter Achten. 79-96 [doi]
- Clocks for Functional ProgramsJörg Endrullis, Dimitri Hendriks, Jan Willem Klop, Andrew Polonsky. 97-126 [doi]
- Declarative Natural Language SpecificationsPascal R. Serrarens. 127-132 [doi]
- Clean Up the Web! - Rapid Client-Side Web Development with CleanLászló Domoszlai, Tamás Kozsik. 133-150 [doi]
- A Duality of SortsRalf Hinze, José Pedro Magalhães, Nicolas Wu. 151-167 [doi]
- Programming in the λ-Calculus: From Church to Scott and BackJan Martin Jansen. 168-180 [doi]
- Modelling Unique and Affine Typing Using PolymorphismEdsko de Vries. 181-192 [doi]
- Evolution of a Parallel Task CombinatorBas Lijnse. 193-210 [doi]
- Beautiful Workflows: A Matter of Taste?Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Michael Westergaard, Hajo A. Reijers. 211-233 [doi]
- Parse Your OptionsS. Doaitse Swierstra, Atze Dijkstra. 234-249 [doi]
- The Beauty of Declarative Purely Functional ProjectionsSteffen Michels. 250-257 [doi]
- Finding Palindromes: Variants and AlgorithmsJohan Jeuring. 258-272 [doi]
- Beautiful Imperative Code - A Functional Ace in the Hole for Imperative ProgrammersMarco T. Morazán. 273-284 [doi]