Abstract is missing.
- Process Mining Challenges Perceived by Analysts: An Interview StudyLisa Zimmermann, Francesca Zerbato, Barbara Weber. 3-17 [doi]
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- Event Log Generation: An Industry PerspectiveTimotheus Kampik, Mathias Weske. 123-136 [doi]
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- Blockchain Application Development Using Model-Driven Engineering and Low-Code Platforms: A SurveySimon Curty, Felix Härer, Hans-Georg Fill. 205-220 [doi]
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- Agent Responsibility Framework for Digital Agents: Roles and Responsibilities Related to Facets of WorkSteven Alter. 237-252 [doi]
- A Method for Ontology-Driven Minimum Viable Platform DevelopmentThomas Derave, Tiago Prince Sales, Frederik Gailly, Geert Poels. 253-266 [doi]
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- Exploratory Study on Students' Understanding of Multi-perspective ModellingCharlotte Verbruggen, Monique Snoeck. 321-335 [doi]
- Experiences from Developing a Web Crawler Using a Model-Driven Development Tool: Emerging OpportunitiesDavid Mosquera, Anastassios Martakos, Marcela Ruiz. 336-343 [doi]