Abstract is missing.
- Mathematical Theory ExplorationBruno Buchberger. 1-2 [doi]
- Searching While Keeping a Trace: The Evolution from Satisfiability to Knowledge CompilationAdnan Darwiche. 3 [doi]
- Representing and Reasoning with Operational SemanticsDale Miller. 4-20 [doi]
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- Towards Self-verification of HOL LightJohn Harrison. 177-191 [doi]
- An Interpretation of Isabelle/HOL in HOL LightSean McLaughlin. 192-204 [doi]
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- Dynamic Logic with Non-rigid FunctionsBernhard Beckert, André Platzer. 266-280 [doi]
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- Description Logic Reasoner: System DescriptionDmitry Tsarkov, Ian Horrocks. 292-297 [doi]
- Importing HOL into Isabelle/HOLSteven Obua, Sebastian Skalberg. 298-302 [doi]
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- Automation of Recursive Path Ordering for Infinite Labelled Rewrite SystemsAdam Koprowski, Hans Zantema. 332-346 [doi]
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- Eliminating Redundancy in Higher-Order Unification: A Lightweight ApproachBrigitte Pientka. 362-376 [doi]
- First-Order Logic with Dependent TypesFlorian Rabe. 377-391 [doi]
- Automating Proofs in Category TheoryDexter Kozen, Christoph Kreitz, Eva Richter. 392-407 [doi]
- Formal Global Optimisation with Taylor ModelsRoland Zumkeller. 408-422 [doi]
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- Verifying Mixed Real-Integer Quantifier EliminationAmine Chaieb. 528-540 [doi]
- Presburger Modal Logic Is PSPACE-CompleteStéphane Demri, Denis Lugiez. 541-556 [doi]
- Tree Automata with Equality Constraints Modulo Equational TheoriesFlorent Jacquemard, Michaël Rusinowitch, Laurent Vigneron. 557-571 [doi]
- CASC-J3 - The 3rd IJCAR ATP System CompetitionGeoff Sutcliffe. 572-573 [doi]
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- On the Strength of Proof-Irrelevant Type TheoriesBenjamin Werner. 604-618 [doi]
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