Abstract is missing.
- Preface [doi]
- Method Tailoring as NegotiationFredrik Karlsson. 1-4 [doi]
- Supporting Agile Development with Participative Enterprise ModelingJanis Stirna, Marite Kirikova. 5-8 [doi]
- i* Diagnoses: A Quality Process for Building i* ModelsAntonio de Pádua Albuquerque Oliveira, Julio C. S. P. Leite, Luiz Marcio Cysneiros, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena. 9-12 [doi]
- Aligning Goal Models and Business Models - extended abstractBirger Andersson, Maria Bergholtz, Ananda Edirisuriya, Jelena Zdravkovic, Tharaka Ilayperuma, Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesson. 13-16 [doi]
- Using Multicriteria Decision-Making to Take into Account the Situation in System EngineeringElena Kornyshova, Rébecca Deneckère, Camille Salinesi. 17-20 [doi]
- Towards an Ontology-enabled Approach for Modeling the Process of Conformity Checking in ConstructionAnastasiya Yurchyshyna, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Nhan Le Thanh, Alain Zarli. 21-24 [doi]
- Probabilistic Metamodel MergingRobert Lagerström, Moustafa Chenine, Pontus Johnson, Ulrik Franke. 25-28 [doi]
- An Hybrid Design Solution For Spacecraft SimulatorsVitor Rodrigues, João Correia Lopes, Ana Moreira. 29-32 [doi]
- Measuring the Functional Size of Conceptual Models in an MDA EnvironmentBeatriz Marín, Nelly Condori-Fernández, Oscar Pastor, Alain Abran. 33-36 [doi]
- Modeling and Executing Service Interactions using an Agent-oriented Modeling LanguageChristian Hahn, Ingo Zinnikus. 37-40 [doi]
- Model Transformations powered by Rewriting LogicFrancisco J. Lucas, José Ambrosio Toval Álvarez. 41-44 [doi]
- Semi-Automated Model Synchronisation in SOMChristian Flender, Thomas Hettel, Michael Lawley, Michael Rosemann. 45-48 [doi]
- Modelling Quality and Spatial Characteristics for Autonomous e-Service PeersJun Shen, Shuai Yuan. 49-52 [doi]
- Timed Transition Discovery from Web Service Conversation LogsDidier Devaurs, Kreshnik Musaraj, Fabien De Marchi, Mohand-Said Hacid. 53-56 [doi]
- Sustainable Information Systems: A Knowledge PerspectiveLaura Maruster, Niels R. Faber, Kristian Peters. 57-60 [doi]
- COMA: A Tool for Collaborative ModelingPeter Rittgen. 61-64 [doi]
- AutoModelGen: A Generic Data Level Implementation of ModelGenAndrew Smith, Peter McBrien. 65-68 [doi]
- REDEPEND: Tool Support for i* Modelling in Large-scale Industrial ProjectsJames Lockerbie, Neil A. M. Maiden. 69-72 [doi]
- Supporting Participatory Requirements Engineering in an ERP Software CommunityHarris Wu. 73-76 [doi]
- Role and Request Based Conceptual Modeling - A Methodology and a CASE ToolYair Wand, Carson C. Woo, Ohad Wand. 77-80 [doi]
- Towards a Taxonomy of Process FlexibilityHelen Schonenberg, Ronny Mans, Nick Russell, Nataliya Mulyar, Wil M. P. van der Aalst. 81-84 [doi]
- A Work Allocation Language with Soft ConstraintsChristian Stefansen, Sriram K. Rajamani, Parameswaran Seshan. 85-88 [doi]
- A Tool for Process Merging in Business-Driven DevelopmentJochen Malte Küster, Christian Gerth, Alexander Förster, Gregor Engels. 89-92 [doi]
- Towards Situational Business Process Meta-ModellingOumaima Saidani, Selmin Nurcan. 93-96 [doi]
- Improving Data Independence, Efficiency and Functional Flexibility of Integration PlatformsMatthias Böhm, Jürgen Bittner, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Uwe Wloka. 97-100 [doi]
- Validation of UML Conceptual Schemas with OperationsAnna Queralt, Ernest Teniente. 101-104 [doi]
- Towards a Framework for B2B Integration Readiness Assessment and Guided Support of the SMEsSpiros Mouzakitis, Fenareti Lampathaki, Dimitris Askounis. 105-108 [doi]