Abstract is missing.
- Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality of Delivering Computing as the 5th UtilityRajkumar Buyya. 1 [doi]
- Challenges and Opportunities on Parallel/Distributed Programming for Large-scale: From Multi-core to CloudsDenis Caromel. 2 [doi]
- Online Storage and Content Distribution System at a Large Scale: Peer-Assistance and BeyondBo Li. 3 [doi]
- Efficient Grid Task-Bundle Allocation Using Bargaining Based Self-Adaptive AuctionHan Zhao, Xiaolin Li. 4-11 [doi]
- Scheduling Strategies for Cycle Scavenging in Multicluster Grid SystemsOmer Ozan Sonmez, Bart Grundeken, Hashim H. Mohamed, Alexandru Iosup, Dick H. J. Epema. 12-19 [doi]
- Developing Scheduling Policies in gLite MiddlewareA. Kretsis, Panagiotis C. Kokkinos, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos. 20-27 [doi]
- Runtime Estimations, Reputation and Elections for Top Performing Distributed Query SchedulingRogério LuÃs de Carvalho Costa, Pedro Furtado. 28-35 [doi]
- Extending Pastry by an Alphanumerical OverlayDominic Battré, André Höing, Martin Raack, Ulf Rerrer-Brusch, Odej Kao. 36-43 [doi]
- Self-Chord: A Bio-inspired Algorithm for Structured P2P SystemsAgostino Forestiero, Carlo Mastroianni, Michela Meo. 44-51 [doi]
- BloomCast: Efficient Full-Text Retrieval over Unstructured P2Ps with Guaranteed RecallHanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Xucheng Luo, Yunhao Liu, Lionel M. Ni. 52-59 [doi]
- Multicast Trees for Collaborative ApplicationsKrzysztof Rzadca, Jackson Tan Teck Yong, Anwitaman Datta. 60-67 [doi]
- Energy-Efficient Cluster Computing via Accurate Workload CharacterizationS. Huang, W. Feng. 68-75 [doi]
- Markov Model Based Disk Power Management for Data Intensive WorkloadsRajat Garg, Seung Woo Son, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Padma Raghavan, Ramya Prabhakar. 76-83 [doi]
- Optimal Power Management for Server Farm to Support Green ComputingDusit Niyato, Sivadon Chaisiri, Lee Bu Sung. 84-91 [doi]
- Minimizing Energy Consumption for Precedence-Constrained Applications Using Dynamic Voltage ScalingYoung Choon Lee, Albert Y. Zomaya. 92-99 [doi]
- The Grid Enablement and Sustainable Simulation of Multiscale Physics ApplicationsYingwen Song, Yoshio Tanaka, Hiroshi Takemiya, Aiichiro Nakano, Shuji Ogata, Satoshi Sekiguchi. 100-107 [doi]
- Reliability-Oriented Genetic Algorithm for Workflow Applications Using Max-Min StrategyXiaofeng Wang, Rajkumar Buyya, Jinshu Su. 108-115 [doi]
- Hybrid Re-scheduling Mechanisms for Workflow Applications on Multi-cluster GridYang Zhang, Charles Koelbel, Keith D. Cooper. 116-123 [doi]
- The Eucalyptus Open-Source Cloud-Computing SystemDaniel Nurmi, Richard Wolski, Chris Grzegorczyk, Graziano Obertelli, Sunil Soman, Lamia Youseff, Dmitrii Zagorodnov. 124-131 [doi]
- GenLM: License Management for Grid and Cloud Computing EnvironmentsMathias Dalheimer, Franz-Josef Pfreundt. 132-139 [doi]
- On-Demand Resource Provisioning for BPEL Workflows Using Amazon s Elastic Compute CloudTim Dörnemann, Ernst Juhnke, Bernd Freisleben. 140-147 [doi]
- Multi-Tiered On-Demand Resource Scheduling for VM-Based Data CenterYing Song, Hui Wang, Yaqiong Li, Binquan Feng, Yuzhong Sun. 148-155 [doi]
- Reliable P2P Feed DeliveryAnwitaman Datta, Liu Xin. 156-163 [doi]
- PAIS: A Proximity-Aware Interest-Clustered P2P File Sharing SystemHaiying Shen. 164-171 [doi]
- Adaptive Resource Indexing Technique for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer NetworksSumeth Lerthirunwong, Naoya Maruyama, Satoshi Matsuoka. 172-179 [doi]
- Range Query Using Learning-Aware RPS in DHT-Based Peer-to-Peer NetworksZe Deng, Dan Feng, Ke Zhou, Zhan Shi, Chao Luo. 180-187 [doi]
- GMount: An Ad Hoc and Locality-Aware Distributed File System by Using SSH and FUSENan Dun, Kenjiro Taura, Akinori Yonezawa. 188-195 [doi]
- Improving Parallel Write by Node-Level Request SchedulingKazuki Ohta, Hiroya Matsuba, Yutaka Ishikawa. 196-203 [doi]
- File Clustering Based Replication Algorithm in a Grid EnvironmentHitoshi Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka, Toshio Endo. 204-211 [doi]
- Latency Hiding File I/O for Blue Gene SystemsFlorin Isaila, Javier GarcÃa Blas, Jesús Carretero, Robert Latham, Samuel Lang, Robert B. Ross. 212-219 [doi]
- Utility Driven Adaptive Work?ow ExecutionKevin Lee, Norman W. Paton, Rizos Sakellariou, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes. 220-227 [doi]
- Hierarchical Caches for Grid WorkflowsDavid Chiu, Gagan Agrawal. 228-235 [doi]
- Performance under Failures of DAG-based Parallel ComputingHui Jin, Xian-He Sun, Ziming Zheng, Zhiling Lan, Bing Xie. 236-243 [doi]
- Combined Fault Tolerance and Scheduling Techniques for Workflow Applications on Computational GridsYang Zhang, Anirban Mandal, Charles Koelbel, Keith D. Cooper. 244-251 [doi]
- Harvesting Large-Scale Grids for Software ResourcesAsterios Katsifodimos, George Pallis, Marios D. Dikaiakos. 252-259 [doi]
- Resource Allocation Using Virtual ClustersMark Stillwell, David Schanzenbach, Frédéric Vivien, Henri Casanova. 260-267 [doi]
- Resource Information Aggregation in Hierarchical Grid NetworksPanagiotis C. Kokkinos, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos. 268-275 [doi]
- Measuring Fragmentation of Two-Dimensional Resources Applied to Advance Reservation Grid SchedulingJulius Gehr, Joerg Schneider. 276-283 [doi]
- BLAST Application with Data-Aware Desktop Grid MiddlewareHaiwu He, Gilles Fedak, Bing Tang, Franck Cappello. 284-291 [doi]
- AVSS: An Adaptable Virtual Storage SystemJian Ke, Xudong Zhu, Wenwu Na, Lu Xu. 292-299 [doi]
- Memory-Mapped File Approach for On-Demand Data Co-allocation on GridsPo-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Yi-Chang Zhuang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Tyng-Yeu Liang. 300-307 [doi]
- Performance Issues in Parallelizing Data-Intensive Applications on a Multi-core ClusterVignesh T. Ravi, Gagan Agrawal. 308-315 [doi]
- Using Templates to Predict Execution Time of Scientific Workflow Applications in the GridFarrukh Nadeem, Thomas Fahringer. 316-323 [doi]
- Modeling Job Arrival Process with Long Range Dependence and Burstiness CharacteristicsTran Ngoc Minh, Lex Wolters. 324-330 [doi]
- Modeling Job Lifespan Delays in Volunteer Computing ProjectsTrilce Estrada, Michela Taufer, Kevin Reed. 331-338 [doi]
- A Hybrid Intelligent Method for Performance Modeling and Prediction of Workflow Activities in GridsRubing Duan, Farrukh Nadeem, Jie Wang, Yun Zhang, Radu Prodan, Thomas Fahringer. 339-347 [doi]
- A Scalable Security Model for Enabling Dynamic Virtual Private Execution Infrastructures on the InternetPascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Olivier Mornard, Guilherme Piegas Koslovski, Vincent Roca, Lionel Giraud, Johan Montagnat, Tram Truong Huu. 348-355 [doi]
- Self-Tuning Virtual Machines for Predictable eScienceSang-Min Park, Marty Humphrey. 356-363 [doi]
- Dynamic Provisioning of Virtual Organization ClustersMichael A. Murphy, Brandon Kagey, Michael Fenn, Sebastien Goasguen. 364-371 [doi]
- Failure-Aware Construction and Reconfiguration of Distributed Virtual Machines for High Availability ComputingSong Fu. 372-379 [doi]
- Natively Supporting True One-Sided Communication inGopalakrishnan Santhanaraman, Pavan Balaji, K. Gopalakrishnan, Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, Dhabaleswar K. Panda. 380-387 [doi]
- MPISec I/O: Providing Data Confidentiality in MPI-I/ORamya Prabhakar, Christina M. Patrick, Mahmut T. Kandemir. 388-395 [doi]
- Dynamic and Distributed Multipath Routing Policy for High-Speed Cluster NetworksDiego Lugones, Daniel Franco 0002, Emilio Luque. 396-403 [doi]
- Handling Persistent States in Process Checkpoint/Restart Mechanisms for HPC SystemsPierre Riteau, Adrien Lebre, Christine Morin. 404-411 [doi]
- Collusion Detection for Grid ComputingEugen Staab, Thomas Engel. 412-419 [doi]
- Multi-scale Real-Time Grid Monitoring with Job Stream MiningXiangliang Zhang, Michèle Sebag, Cécile Germain-Renaud. 420-427 [doi]
- Towards Visualization Scalability through Time Intervals and Hierarchical Organization of Monitoring DataLucas Mello Schnorr, Guillaume Huard, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux. 428-435 [doi]
- A Skyline Approach to the Matchmaking Web ServiceHyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung, Shin Gyu Kim, Heon Young Yeom. 436-443 [doi]
- Flexible and Efficient In-Vivo Enhancement for Grid ApplicationsDong Kwan Kim, Yang Jiao, Eli Tilevich. 444-451 [doi]
- Evaluating the Divisible Load Assumption in the Context of Economic Grid Scheduling with Deadline-Based QoS guaranteesWim Depoorter, Ruben Van den Bossche, Kurt Vanmechelen, Jan Broeckhove. 452-459 [doi]
- A Live Storage Migration Mechanism over WAN for Relocatable Virtual Machine Services on CloudsTakahiro Hirofuchi, Hirotaka Ogawa, Hidemoto Nakada, Satoshi Itoh, Satoshi Sekiguchi. 460-465 [doi]
- A Model-Based Algorithm for Optimizing I/O Intensive Applications in Clouds Using VM-Based MigrationKento Sato, Hitoshi Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka. 466-471 [doi]
- C-Meter: A Framework for Performance Analysis of Computing CloudsNezih Yigitbasi, Alexandru Iosup, Dick H. J. Epema, Simon Ostermann. 472-477 [doi]
- Programming Abstractions for Data Intensive Computing on Clouds and GridsChris Miceli, Michael Miceli, Shantenu Jha, Hartmut Kaiser, André Merzky. 478-483 [doi]
- Online Risk Analytics on the CloudHyunjoo Kim, Shivangi Chaudhari, Manish Parashar, Christopher Marty. 484-489 [doi]
- The Any-Schedulability Criterion for Providing QoS Guarantees Through Advance Reservation RequestsShikharesh Majumdar. 490-495 [doi]
- Towards a Virtual Research Environment for Paediatric Endocrinology across EuropeJipu Jiang, Richard O. Sinnott, Anthony Stell, John Watt, Faisal Ahmed. 496-501 [doi]
- Grid-Based Sleep Research: Analysis of Polysomnographies Using a Grid InfrastructureDagmar Krefting, Sebastian Canisius, Andreas Hoheisel, Thomas Tolxdorff, Thomas Penzel. 502-507 [doi]
- A Clinical Grid Infrastructure Supporting Adverse Hypotensive Event PredictionAnthony Stell, Richard O. Sinnott, Jipu Jiang. 508-513 [doi]
- A Novel Collaborative Grid Framework for Distributed HealthcareHoang M. Phung, Doan B. Hoang, Elaine Lawrence. 514-519 [doi]
- An E-infrastructure to Support Collaborative Embryo ResearchAdam Barker, Jano I. van Hemert, Richard A. Baldock, Malcolm P. Atkinson. 520-525 [doi]
- Risk Informed Computer EconomicsBin Li, Lee Gillam. 526-531 [doi]
- Towards a Cluster Based Incentive Mechanism for P2P NetworksKan Zhang, Nick Antonopoulos. 532-537 [doi]
- Block-Based Concurrent and Storage-Aware Data Streaming for Grid Applications with Lots of Small FilesWen Zhang, Junwei Cao, Yisheng Zhong, Lianchen Liu, Cheng Wu. 538-543 [doi]
- Framework for Decentralizing Legacy ApplicationsJani Hautakorpi, Gonzalo Camarillo, David Lopez. 544-549 [doi]
- Distributed Indexing for Resource Discovery in P2P NetworksMarco Hentschel, Maozhen Li, Mahesh Ponraj, Man Qi. 550-555 [doi]
- Transient Analysis of an Overlay Multicast ProtocolXiaobing Hou, Shuju Wu. 556-561 [doi]
- Automating Malware Scanning Using WorkflowsDavid Stirling, Ian Welch, Peter Komisarczuk, Christian Seifert. 562-567 [doi]
- Experiment and Workflow Management Using Cyberaide ShellGregor von Laszewski, Andrew J. Younge, Xi He, Kumar Mahinthakumar, Lizhe Wang. 568-573 [doi]
- An Agent-Based Approach for Autonomic Web Service Workflow ModelHongxia Tong, Jian Cao, Shensheng Zhang. 574-579 [doi]
- Cesar-FD: An Effective Stateful Fault Detection Mechanism in Drug Discovery GridYongjian Wang, Yinan Ren, Ting Chen, Yuanqiang Huang, Zhongzhi Luan, Zhongxin Wu, Depei Qian. 580-585 [doi]
- Supporting Distributed Visualization Services for High Performance Science and Engineering ApplicationsLakshmi Sastry, Ronald Fowler, Srikanth Nagella, Jonathan Churchill. 586-590 [doi]
- Domain-Specific Groupware Environment for E-research on ChemistryDongmei Yue, Ruisheng Zhang, Chen Zhao, Ruipeng Wei, Lian Li. 591-596 [doi]
- Web-Based Visualization of Atmospheric Nucleation Processes Using Java3DRui Ding, Jinzhu Gao, Bin Chen, J. Ilja Siepmann, Yi Liu. 597-602 [doi]
- EnVision: A Web-Based Tool for Scientific VisualizationGregory P. Johnson, Stephen A. Mock, Brandt M. Westing, Gregory S. Johnson. 603-608 [doi]
- Distributed Collaborative Visualization Using Light Field RenderingA. Al-Saidi, Nick J. Avis, Ian J. Grimstead, Omer F. Rana. 609-614 [doi]
- WSRF-Based Distributed VisualizationYi Liu, Shu Gao. 615-619 [doi]