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- Anchoring discussions in lecture: an approach to collaboratively extending classroom digital mediaGregory D. Abowd, Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel, Bolot Kerimbaev, Yoshihide Ishiguro, Mark Guzdial. 1 [doi]
- Beyond access: informed participation and empowermentErnesto Arias, Hal Eden, Gerhard Fischer, Andrew Gorman, Eric Scharff. 2 [doi]
- Zora: a graphical multi-user environment to share stories about the selfMarina Umaschi Bers. 3 [doi]
- Rural connected communities: a project in online collaborative journalismMarina Umaschi Bers, Michael L. Best. 4 [doi]
- Revealing common ground: augmentation on the edges of interpretive communitiesRichard Borovoy, Fred Martin, Mitchel Resnick. 5 [doi]
- Online community and preservice teachers' conceptions of learning mathematicsClare Brett, Earl Woodruff, Rodney Nason. 6 [doi]
- CollabU: a design for reflective, collaborative university teaching and learningAlain Breuleux, Ron Owston, Thérèse Laferrière, Nolan Estes, Paul Resta, William Hunter, Carolyn Awalt. 7 [doi]
- A lab by any other name: integrating traditional labs and computer-supported collaborative investigations in science classroomsMatthew Brown, Daniel C. Edelson. 8 [doi]
- Supporting the development of a national constellation of communities of practice in the scholarship of teaching and learning through the use of intelligent agentsDarren Cambridge. 9 [doi]
- Distributed problem-based learning at Southern Illinois University School of MedicineTerri Cameron, Howard S. Barrows, Steven M. Crooks. 10 [doi]
- It's not just programming: reflection and the nature of experience in learning through designCynthia Carter Ching. 11 [doi]
- Infusing engaged learning strategies and modeling software into sixth grade classrooms: the Achieving High Academic Standards Project (AHAS)William H. Conrad III, Raul Zaritsky, Michael Munroe. 12 [doi]
- Designs for collaborative learning environments: can specialization encourage knowledge integration?Alex Cuthbert. 13 [doi]
- Does a shared screen make a shared solution?Pierre Dillenbourg, David R. Traum. 14 [doi]
- Distributed computer supported collaborative learning through shared practice and social participationLone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Elsebeth K. Sorensen. 15 [doi]
- Computerized molecular modeling as a collaborative learning environmentYehudit Judy Dori, Miri Barak. 16 [doi]
- Children and elders sharing stories: lessons from two online oral history projectsJason B. Ellis, Amy Bruckman, Robert C. Satterwhite. 17 [doi]
- The situated effects of awareness in distributed collaborative learning: interactive 3D an exampleAnnita Fjuk, Ingeborg Krange. 18 [doi]
- Teamwork: assessing cross-disciplinary learningRenate Fruchter, Katherine Emery. 19 [doi]
- Fostering creativity through cross-disciplinary collaboration in an online dance courseIris Garland, Lucio Teles, Xinchun Wang. 20 [doi]
- Mentoring in a school environmentShanan Gibson, Dennis C. Neale, John M. Carroll, Christina Van Metre. 21 [doi]
- Activity centered design: towards a theoretical framework for CSCLBernard Gifford, Noel Enyedy. 22 [doi]
- Negotiating learning cultures at a distance: MIT academics teach corporate engineersStephen B. Gilbert. 23 [doi]
- A design method using darwinian principles for Collaborative Problem-Solving Environments (CPSEs)Zann Gill. 24 [doi]
- Using a CSCL-Driven shift in agency to undertake educational reformMark Guzdial, Matthew Realff, Pete Ludovice, Tom Morley, Clayton Kerce, Eric Lyons, Katherine E. Sukel. 25 [doi]
- Networks of information sharing among computer-supported distance learnersCaroline Haythornthwaite. 26 [doi]
- Supporting problem-based learning in groups in a net environmentRobin Cheesman, Simon B. Heilesen. 27 [doi]
- Modeling constructivist teaching functionality and structure in the KBS Hyperbook SystemNicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl, Martin Wolpers. 28 [doi]
- An analysis of growth patterns in computer conferencing threadsJim Hewitt, Chris Teplovs. 29 [doi]
- Between information and communication: middle spaces in computer media for learningChristopher M. Hoadley, Noel Enyedy. 30 [doi]
- This is fun! we're all best friends and we're all playing: supporting children's synchronous collaborationKori M. Inkpen, Wai-ling Ho-Ching, Oliver Kuederle, Stacey D. Scott, Garth B. D. Shoemaker. 31 [doi]
- Collaboration and learning in immersive virtual environmentsRandolph L. Jackson, William Winn. 32 [doi]
- An analysis of learner arguments in a collective learning environmentPatrick Jermann, Pierre Dillenbourg. 33 [doi]
- The computer display as a support of collaborative development of scientific models of magnetismAndy Johnson. 34 [doi]
- Taking without consent: stolen knowledge and the place of abstractions and assessment in situated learningChristopher R. Jones. 35 [doi]
- The cognitive skill of coaching collaborationSandra Katz, Gabriel O'Donnell. 36 [doi]
- The design discussion area: a collaborative learning tool in support of learning from problem-solving and design activitiesJanet L. Kolodner, Kristine Nagel. 37 [doi]
- Toward a dialogic theory of learning: Bakhtin's contribution to understanding learning in settings of collaborationTimothy Koschmann. 38 [doi]
- Students collaborating with computer models and physical experimentsRobert B. Kozma. 39 [doi]
- A system for supporting group learning that enhances interactionsFusako Kusunoki, Masanori Sugimoto, Hiromichi Hashizume. 40 [doi]
- Supporting design studio learning: an investigation into design communication in computer-supported collaborationThomas Kvan, Wan Hung Yip, Alonso H. Vera. 41 [doi]
- Perspectives in analysing classroom interaction data on collaborative computer-based mathematical projectsChronis Kynigos. 42 [doi]
- Vicarious learning from educational dialogueKeith Stenning, Jean McKendree, John Lee, Richard Cox, Finbar Dineen, J. Terry Mayes. 43 [doi]
- The design of history mechanisms and their use in collaborative educational simulationsCatherine Plaisant, Anne Rose, Gary Rubloff, Richard M. Salter, Ben Shneiderman. 44 [doi]
- Cemeteries, oak trees, and black and white cows: learning to participate on the internetVicki L. O'Day, Mizuko Ito, Charlotte Linde, Annette Adler, Elizabeth D. Mynatt. 45 [doi]
- The challenges for computer supported collaborative learning in elementary and secondary level: Finnish perspectivesLasse Lipponen. 46 [doi]
- Designing the virtual campus as a virtual worldMary Lou Maher. 47 [doi]
- Meta-communication widgets for knowledge building in distance educationRobert S. McLean. 48 [doi]
- Enriching learning contexts to support communities of practiceYongwu Miao, Jutta Maria Fleschutz, Peter Zentel. 49 [doi]
- Computer supported interaction analysis of group problem solvingMartin Mühlenbrock, Ulrich Hoppe. 50 [doi]
- Collaborative technology for facilitating progressive inquiry: future learning environment toolsHanni Muukkonen, Kai Hakkarainen, Minna Lakkala. 51 [doi]
- Collaborative scientific inquiry in a simulated laboratoryAnandi Nagarajan, Cindy E. Hmelo, Roger S. Day. 52 [doi]
- Multi-faceted evaluation for complex, distributed activitiesDennis C. Neale, John M. Carroll. 53 [doi]
- Evaluating CSCL log files by social network analysisKari Nurmela, Erno Lehtinen, Tuire Palonen. 54 [doi]
- Imagination, production, and collaboration in project-based learning using multimediaWilliam R. Penuel, Christine Korbak, Karen A. Cole, Otak Jump. 55 [doi]
- Negotiating about shared knowledge in a cooperative learning environmentHans-Rüdiger Pfister, Martin Wessner, Torsten Holmer, Ralf Steinmetz. 56 [doi]
- An integrated approach to individual and collaborative learning in a web-based learning environmentSadhana Puntambekar. 57 [doi]
- Using a CSCL tool to support a legislative role-playing simulation: hopes, fears, and challengesTodd C. Reimer, Daniel C. Edelson. 58 [doi]
- Collaborative use & design of interactive simulationsAlexander Repenning, Andri Ioannidou, Jonathan Phillips. 59 [doi]
- CSCL as a catalyst for changing teacher practicePaul Resta, Mark Christal, Karen Ferneding, Adrienne Kennedy Puthoff. 60 [doi]
- Multiple channels of electronic communication for building a distributed learning communityAnne Rose, Robert B. Allen, Kathleen Fulton. 61 [doi]
- Network community: virtual space for physical bodiesKaren Ruhleder. 62 [doi]
- Computer support for children's collaborative fantasy play and storytellingKimiko Ryokai, Justine Cassell. 63 [doi]
- From MOO to MEOW: domesticating technology for online communitiesPatricia K. Schank, Jamie Fenton, Mark S. Schlager, Judith Fusco. 64 [doi]
- Design research for the living curriculumGregory W. Shrader, Louis M. Gomez. 65 [doi]
- Team tutoring systems: reifying roles in problem solvingMark K. Singley, Peter G. Fairweather, Steven Swerling. 66 [doi]
- Imagery as data: structures for visual model buildingBrian K. Smith, Erik Blankinship. 67 [doi]
- Experiments comparing face-to-face with virtual collaborative learningRandall B. Smith, Michael J. Sipusic, Robert L. Pannoni. 68 [doi]
- Language learning via e-mail: autonomy through collaborationKirsten Söntgens. 69 [doi]
- Distributed collaborative learning across disciplines and national bordersElsebeth K. Sorensen, Eugene S. Takle. 70 [doi]
- Intellectual amplification through reflection and didactic change in distributed collaborative learningElsebeth K. Sorensen. 71 [doi]
- MuSwikis: a graphical collaboration system Lex Spoon, Mark Guzdial. 72 [doi]
- Reflections on WebGuide: seven issues for the next generation of collaborative knowledge-building environmentsGerry Stahl. 73 [doi]
- Effects of alternate representations of evidential relations on collaborative learning discourseDaniel D. Suthers. 74 [doi]
- A synchronous collaborative editing system for learning to writeYukiko Tanikawa, Hideyuki Suzuki, Hiroshi Kato. 75 [doi]
- Developing a technology of use for collaborative project-based learningEsther L. Tiessen, Douglas R. Ward. 76 [doi]
- Collaborative learning through computer-mediated argumentationA. L. Veerman, Jerry Andriessen, Gellof Kanselaar. 77 [doi]
- How youth and mentors experience project-based learning in an internet-based shared environment for expeditions (iExpeditions)Minjuan Wang, Jim Laffey, Tom Tupper, Paul Wangemann, Carl Harris. 78 [doi]
- Design and evaluation of a collaborative telelearning activity aimed at teacher trainingBarbara Wasson. 79 [doi]
- Learning through participatory simulations: network-based design for systems learning in classroomsUri Wilensky, Walter Stroup. 80 [doi]
- Concerning the cohesive nature of CSCL communitiesEarl Woodruff. 81 [doi]
- Nodal and matrix analyses of communication patterns in small groupsDonald W. Wortham. 82 [doi]